Baby Steps

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"My dear, sweet little boy

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"My dear, sweet little boy..." A woman said to her newborn son. "Your Highness, we must go! They are coming for you!" Ser Jorah ran into the chamber. "Leave! I will not let my son here!" The man walked closer to her. When he stood next to her, his eyes winded and his hand covered his mouth from the shock. The newborn prince... Was dead. Dried blood on his small cheeks, was pouring from his mouth. "T̷̡̧̬̲̭̦̘̩̊̉͛̓̓̌͌̕i̶̡̹͈͎̳̞͙͖̾̂̀͑̀͆̑̓̽̉͐͘͘ͅl̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆l̶̬̞͎̖͉̹̝͕̝͖̣̉͆y̶͔͗..." Jorah started but the new mother cut him off. 

"He is sleeping, Jorah. It's not blood, it's just juice... He is sleeping, don't take him away from me." She repeated as she was lulling her dead newborn son. "My Queen... I am so sorry" He said and he called Missandei, Lord Tyrion and his queen's friend and maid Gülfem. The girls were shocked but tried not to cry for the woman's sake as for the man, they tried to distract the queen so they could take the dead child from her arms and take the queen to a safe place. "My Queen... Can... Can I hold him?" Missandei asked unsure and on the verge of tears. The queen hesitated "You won't take him away?" She asked crying but still denying her son's death. Missandei shook her head and crouched in front of the broken queen, taking the dead son into her arms. After a minute, Missandei stood up and started to walk towards Gülfem with the child in her arms. The young mother was right behind her, looking at her son and observing every move. When Missandei handed the small babe to her friend, the Queen launched herself towards Gülfem but ser Jorah and Missandei stopped her and hold her back. The broken Queen cried and screamed in agony but she could do nothing. After a while, Lord Tyrion gave her a drink that contained a potion that would make her sleep. They had to go, or the Queen would die. She didn't drink. She stood up and made her way to the throne room, which wasn't a good idea. They followed their queen trying to stop her from entering the room, but it was too late. There in the throne room were the dead bodies of half of her family. Galadriel and Thranduil who were the queen's grandparents were sitting lifeless on their thrones. A hole in their chests and their hearts on the ground. There were her cousins and siblings hanging on the giant chandeliers. On the floor, there were other family members. Dead... Brutally murdered... Robert and Rami ran to the throne room after hearing their sister's terrifying scream. Once they made it they took her in their arms. She was having a panic attack, hyperventilating and shaking violently. A second later she passed out. Robert carried her and they ran towards the horses that would take them to the ships. Once they made it, they saw the cities on fire, and the screams of innocent people trying to run away. No one was prepared for it. Merlin put a spell on the cities, so the people won't die, but his magic was too weak... "Dimash is dead," A young woman said, taking the unconscious queen's hand in hers. "How did that happen?" Rami asked sitting beside his sister and the other woman on the bed. Robert was walking back and forth. Angry... In rage. "There was a snitch in the castle... They poisoned the babe...." The girl responded, her eyes watering while she kissed the back of the queen's hand. Her nephew was gone... Even if the child was the fruit of rape, The queen could never harm a child. She didn't care if she was pregnant because she was raped. And everyone knew that the death of her firstborn will break her, and the memories of her being raped will come will transform into a horrible trauma.

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