Just Like A Rose...

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Miles went to Greece, looking for his mother's soul sister

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Miles went to Greece, looking for his mother's soul sister. He didn't know how to find her as the only information he got was that she was secretive. Although he used the Force to guide him, it was still very difficult to find this particular girl. She knew how to hide and it made everything harder.
Having his head in the clouds, he didn't see that he bumped into somebody. Quickly, he looked at the person and his eyes winded. "Grandma Patricia?" He asked. The woman was of average height. She was slim, her hair mid-long, curly and reddish. She was a delicate-looking woman, who always helped everyone. Miles recognised her, immediately hugging her and making her chuckle.

 Miles recognised her, immediately hugging her and making her chuckle

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"Hi there, My Spider. Long time no see, huh?" She said, smiling and looking at the tall boy with love and adoration. Now, the woman was Mathilde's Soul Mother, (as both shared so many characteristics and understood each other better than you could imagine), which is why, Miles and his siblings called Patricia grandma, while Tilda called her Mum. "Yes, it was a long time. How are you doing?" He asked as the two started to walk slowly around the street. "Ah, you know... I had some dark times a while back and so that's why I came to Greece, after fighting them. I needed a little break from the world. And you? How are you and your siblings doing? And how's your mum?" she asked. Her voice was soft, motherly, protective and emotional. "We are doing fine. Henry and Peter are all over the place, while Effy is staying with mum. Talking about mum... She is not fine..." He started, and Patricia immediately stopped walking, looking at the boy with worry. "What happened? How can we help her?" She asked visibly worried and ready to help the girl, she called daughter. "I sense something wrong with her. As if she was fading." He sighed sadly. "I have a question," Miles said after a couple of minutes of silence. Patricia hummed and waited for his question. "Did you know we had more siblings and more fathers? And did you know that Peter has a twin?" He asked curiously. He didn't feel betrayed by his mum or Thêta because he knew there had to be a reason as to why they didn't tell them that there is more to their family.
The woman sighed sadly. "Come with me. I'll tell you." She said, walking towards a house and walking inside. Miles followed after her and looked around the house. It was pretty and nicely organised but there were many papers with musical notes and lyrics all around the place. He smiled, as he recognised the writing as Patricia's soul mate's, George.
As he was inside, he was greeted by Bronia, the woman's little dog. He patted the joyful creature and waited for Patricia to start talking, as they both sat down, the woman handed the boy some tea and biscuits. "Your mother told us about everything. George and I knew that she had more children, that she had to send away or leave, as she was dying over and over again. We also know that the Doctor and Ben are not your only fathers. But because of the circumstances, we avoided the subject. Your mother was in great pain when her mates were nowhere to be seen. Thank God, she met her mates and your biological father, Eddie when she went to school. I don't think she would have survived without true love." She stopped figuring out what the problem with Tilda was. "That's it, isn't it?" She asked Miles, who only frowned in confusion. "You said, Mathilde wasn't feeling right. This has to be connected to your fathers and siblings... Shit, I should have seen it coming" She mumbled standing up and pacing around the room. "Wait, Grams, what are you talking about?" Miles asked, stroking the back of his neck, worried for his mother. "Miles, listen closely. Do you know that your mother had soul animals?" She asked and the boy nodded his head, still lost. "She lost them, right?" The boy nodded again, watching the woman closely "This caused her to forget lots of things. She also suffers more, since the animals are gone. Your fathers and mother are being brought back or found by us." She said and Miles' eyes winded "What?!" He yelled, standing up as well "Listen, a long time ago, we made a silent promise to look for your mother's mates and bring them back. The process is terribly long and difficult but we don't give up. Your mother is now in a bad mental situation, since the Dark Side is growing stronger, someone is channelling from her and the Five, and on top of that, she starts to remember." She said and Miles just shook his head. "Wait, wait, wait! Remember what? She knows everything! She just doesn't remember her soul animals, which is why we have to find them." He said and Patricia came to him, put her hands on his shoulders and looked him in the eyes "No. Your mother doesn't remember what happened... What they did, for now." She said deadly serious. The boy frowned, what is going on? He asked himself "Your mother has her memory blocked. She remembers her mates, her children and her childhood, from when she was born in 2002. But she does not remember the past tortures, traumas, hurt and deaths she experienced in her previous lives. We have to wake her up before it's all over" She said with wide worried eyes. "Before what is all over?" he asked scared. She looked at him, with her eyes as scared as his and answered him "Before the war starts all over again..."

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