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Car ride to the party was totally awkward after my clumsy behaviour which caused by these stupid high heels I am wearing. Because while we were coming down the stairs, I just followed his foot steps behind him without any questions as the things between us are not in the best state. However I couldn't catch up to him as he was so fast with his long legs like an athlete and the inhuman speed of being a vampire.

So when I was coming down in a hurry while being extra careful about the long dress and the uncomfortable heels I am wearing, he was already down the stairs waiting for me with a impatient look in his face.

So what my clumsy feet did was increasing the speed to reach him not wanting to hear another rude comment. But when ten or twelve steps were remaining, I tripped over the dress and flew out of the stairs to kiss the ground.

Honestly, different scenarios were running in my mind like having a broken leg or suffering with few broken ribs or on the ground with a pool of blood everywhere.

But they were just mere thoughts as a certain pair of strong arms grabbed me in the mid way before I end up with any of my dreaded scenarios. However we were ended up in a real awkward position where his face stuck in my not so small boobs while my hands were on his hair and the legs were locked around his hips like an octopus.

It was kind of a life and death moment where I could hear the loud heartbeat of not only mine but also his due to this sudden commotion. But when he raised his head and looked at my face, my breath hitched seeing so many emotions I couldn't comprehend.

However when the next second he realised that we are still plastered together like glue in an awkward position, he dropped me like a hot potato to the ground. No wonder that the devil also once an angel.

Because of that, when we get into his expensive car, he was immersed in his phone on the right side while I was biting all my finger nails sitting on the left side till we reach the destination. Finally after felt like an eternity we reached the place after 30 minutes. Thank God! I was suffocating there breathing the same air stuck with him.

When we entered through the huge silver gates, there stood a huge white mansion which was shining under the bright party lights. Truly, this house was the most elegant, modern house I saw after the huge mansion of Mr. Arrogant. I think I should not be surprised to see these high class houses from now onwards. Because how did I forget that he is a vampire prince who associate only rich kids not beggars.

"Don't cause any trouble to me, understood?" of course that's all he had to tell me after that awkward, horrendous encounter. Luckily he couldn't tell me any thing except that because of a certain blonde who reached us like the earth was in fire.

"Oh God.. you really came for my birthday.. I thought only your parents are coming.." blue eyes, blonde hair, fair skin and a perfect body to die.. Hmmm I guess his type.

"My parents are away in middle east to solve a certain issue. But my mom wanted me to come today. So here I am." He looks so carefree smiling with her showing his pearly teeth and giving his panty dropping signature smile with dimples. I think he has this rude behaviour only with us humans..specially me. So no wonder.

However my suspicions about his type was confirmed after the next comment of the Ms. Blonde.

"That's great. Coz we can have lots of fun and finish another round if you are willing."She whispered to his ear seductively. Their body language gave me an idea about what kind of fun she is referring to. It seems this vampire generation is worse than the horny teenagers of our kind.

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