Bitter truth

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"Fia, we need two plates of fettuccine alfredo to the table 6." Hearing his voice, I hurried my preparation not wanting to be late.

"Here, the 2 plates Rhye"

" are too fast Fia, thank God for being my life saviour. I don't know what happened to Alfred today." When he said with a breathtaking smile, I couldn't stop the chuckle escaped from me. Ofcourse what else? He is lucky I can cook because of the absence of his main cook.

I think he is one of the best people I met in my life. If I say it correctly one of the best humans, that won't be wrong. And then when it comes to his appearance, can't forget how muscular and handsome he is with blue eyes and golden hair. Because half of the people who come to our shop are ladies. You can guess the main reason for that. Yep, Rhy!

"When are we going to meet the others Rhy?" I can't wait to see Anna, Luzy and Fin this evening. Our weekly gathering of every week ends takes place in one of our houses. This week it's Luzy and Fin's place.

" Babe, how about around 7? They said that it will take sometimes as they were still unpacking after coming from the trip." When he said it with a kiss to my cheeks, I just nuzzled my head into his warm body. God! What do I do without him? He is like a rock standing next to me all this time. Otherwise I would have fallen down completely.

"How about we close the shop around 5 today? Then you can wear something sexy and get ready for the evening?" He said while massaging my sore shoulders. No matter how sore they are it's totally ok. Because I like the extra distractions these days.

" Hmmm...just like that...there...oh Rhy...your hands are magic. I think I can't stop telling how good they are." You can say how much I like his touch like this. It feels so good. Specially at night when I am in bed physically and emotionally down, I get a massage like this whenever he is with me at home. I think I am becoming addicted the little things he does for me.

"Sorry Babe... Seb will kill me if we get late to get home this time. You know we are seeing each other after a week. So maybe next time, ok?"

"Ok? I can understand it. You are dick whipped, aren't you?" I think his bad mouth is rubbing on me also. Sebastian is Rhy's longtime boyfriend. They are with each other since high school. So you can see how whipped he is because of Seb. However they are polar opposite when it comes to their jobs. The reason is while Rhy being a cook and an owner of a food shop, Seb is a paid model who works in New York. So they see each other when he comes back from his work.

"Did you really say that Fia? God I can't believe how I thought you were like a little innocent bunny for the first time I saw you."

I couldn't stop the laugh just as he finished it. See! That's why I said he is such a beautiful person inside and out. He makes me laugh and happy whenever he feels like I am mentally down or exhausted. Actually it's been 3 and half months that I had left every single thing behind. I was a complete mess when I met Rhyan and Sebastian. I was squatting near a closed shop at night not knowing what to do. And then they just appeared like my guardian angels and gave me a place to sleep and work. Look where I am today.

At first I didn't tell them anything. I just told them the simple story of seeing my boyfriend cheating on me and left. But after a month I realized that I can trust both of them and I told every single thing that happened. So now they know who I am and what I was to certain somebody. The first few days were the most hardest as I couldn't see the reality and the truth I witnessed. And then I became angry with him and angry with the certain blonde as well as the whole vampire population. And then I was a crying mess for a straight one month. Finally there is this stage I am right now, which I have started to accept my fate though my heart is too heavier.

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