Under his mercy

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Just a heads up...the upcoming chapters will be too hot... 🔥🔥

I can't believe that time flies like a rocket. The days have passed and it's almost three months that I am living in this huge palace with the Majesty himself. And also the scary dreams I used to have had vanished since the time I decided to sleep on his bed. Even though our first encounter was not pleasant, I came to know more about the soft hearted vampire prince behind the mask of that playfulness and arrogance. That's not at all. I was given more freedom to go to the beautiful royal garden whenever I wanted.

Except the library, the beautiful garden became my second safe heaven. Sometimes I take even books to read or drew pictures sitting under the rose bushes, enjoying the addictive smell of them. So life wasn't bad even though it started in a very unpleasant way. But the only regret I have is not being able to meet more humans out there. Because my movements have limited to the very tall walls around the huge palace and the never ending garden.

There are days I wanted to ask when he is planning to let me go out as I am already wearing the ring he has given. But it seems he has a small doubt that I will run away at the any chance I get. It's not totally wrong as my heart wishes that freedom that other humans enjoy without bound to the title of a pet or slave to any vampire. But I am not stupid enough to run at the first chance I get without having a proper plan or may be that thought has buried somewhere seeing his true nature underneath that vicious vampire cover.

May be sooner or later there might be a time that I have to leave him when he meets his true mate. But even that thought makes a stinging pain in my heart since recently. I have no idea why it's actually. May be I might have get used to living with him.

He stayed true to his words since the day we had that serious pillow talk. He always came home early everyday except the days he went on business trips to overseas. We had dinner together on his personal kitchen in the left wing every night. To my surprise, the lipstick marks on his shirt collars disappeared since the night I started sleeping on his bed. But how can I ask why he isn't seeing his long line of ladies with benefits? No..no.. it's really a big fat NO.

" you ready?" My long train of thoughts halted seeing him standing at the bathroom door wearing nothing except the towel hanging low showing his sexy V-lines giving a great imagination about what's hidden underneath. Actually I have seen it in a hurry at the bathroom encounter. But still... just...you know what I mean.

So I just nodded giving him a small smile masking how hot and bothered I am feeling right now. I never had such a problem with any blushing issues or bothered moments with people whom I met in Queen's. But here I am going insane even from his slight movements.

"You ok there?" He seems enjoying my flushed state. See what he makes me and he knows it really well. This prince and his antiques!

"Of course I am...See." And I gave him a goofy smile like a joker in a circus.

"Yes.. yes... that's crystal clear to me Sweetheart." He waved his head to the both sides while laughing and disappeared into the closet to get dressed to the party.

I wore a white dress and a pair of pearl earrings with white pomps. It's been 15 minutes since he went to the closet and here I am sitting on the edge of the bed while playing with my fingers. Truly what takes him too long to come out, mmm? But my further thoughts halted hearing his foot steps.

God! how could he be so handsome and majestic like this? This beauty is truly a shame even to the beauty queens. Just a simple suit and he is already waving a green flag to the female population.

Do you mean that you are one of them Sofi? Ehm... no.. I am not...

"Let's go love." His manly voice just make me so warm inside actually. Did I ever know that I will talk so smoothly with a vampire prince who would think that I am his prey? Of course not.

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