Pet shop

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Smell of blood, voices of lamenting and unpleasant sound of metal clanging were too much to my sensitive ears. And also, I felt like I am floating on some where far higher than where I was.

To tell how unlucky I was, I had to experience the same horrified dream too. At the same time, my mind was shouting that something is not right, something is very wrong in every sense. Above all, my head was aching so badly like it was about to explode into pieces anytime.

At that moment, I was really afraid to open my eyes. The reason was, I was scared of whatever waiting for me. I was scared of facing the reality. But I had to.. I knew I had to see what's going on.

Sofia, you should open your eyes.. yes open them... see the mess you have fallen into...

My subconscious was shouting in full blast. So I slowly opened my eyes, praying that the ugly feeling I was having will merely be a dream. but unlike earlier , my prayer wasn't answered that time. Because as soon as I opened my eyes, I witnessed a sight that nobody should come to face.

Honestly I had no idea, how to start describing what my eyes had witnessed. Because it was such a horrible sight and a living nightmare that nobody should face.

Helpless human beings were hung on the walls, girls who were practically half naked while vampires were sucking their blood while they were screaming in top of their lungs and in another corner, some girls were bound to few poles and some vampires were practically forcing them to suck their what? Oh my God! Some of those horrible creatures were thrusting themselves to those poor girls from behind while bending them forcibly to the front as they were screaming in pain or pleasure.. may be both.. I think I didn't have a right mind to see the difference that moment.

And some boys and girls were chained to another wall while they were bleeding so badly..

I had no faith if they would survive at that rate due to the river of blood that could be seen on the floor. Actually it was like a horror movie.. yes my personal horror movie where I played the role of the main actress. Seeing that horrible sight brought out the pool of tears that I was guarding for sometimes.

At that moment, I knew that it would be a miracle for me to escape that hell like place. But what should I do? Who would help a mere human girl like me to come out of that hell hole, that huge mess? God.. please help me.. I won't even survive half way if they harass me the same way, like they were harassing these poor human souls.

So I quickly crept backward of the cage where I was placed. It was true that they hadn't given me any cruel punishments like the other girls and boys yet. But how could I guarantee myself that they would not do anything yet? So I brought knees to myself and curled up to a corner of the metal cage which brought a disgusted smell.

Is that blood? I guess so.. Truly I had never experienced such a horrid experience in my whole life.

Suddenly a quick wind gushed towards the cage, may be that might be my troubled instincts. but that feeling didn't do me any better. but I made a mental note not to cry for whatever going to happen. Because the reality dawned over me that there was nothing to do than strengthening myself due to the circumstances I had faced right then. But that thought was just a mere dream as soon as I saw the ugly, smelly vampire who was standing near the cage while showing his sharp fangs at me.

Unconsciously, with a huge sigh, a small sob crept out of my mouth. The big tear drops stared to flow down my cheeks like a river no matter how hard I tried to guard them.

Because I was helpless, wasn't I? Yes I was just a pathetic human being in that room like each and everyone there. I had a feeling that it would be my end. Because in an instant, I was out of the cage. It happened within a blink of an eye. And then with my blurred eyes I saw the way he was laughing at my pathetic condition.The next moment, I was pinned to the wall beside the cage by this ugly monster's dirty hands.

"Please don't hurt me go.. let me go..."

I started shouting aloud as the fear of death hit me like a thunderstorm. So while screaming I struggled and tried to detach myself from his iron like grip. But what that ugly thing did next made me nearly faint. In an instant he gripped the white blouse I was wearing and teared it into pieces. And then he grabbed my one breast and squeezed it so violently through the camisole I was wearing. Meanwhile, he held my neck with the other hand tightly. And then that piece of dirt slowly dragged that filthy hand which he used to squeez my breast down and grabbed my buttocks through the pant I was wearing.

That second all I could hear was my own heart beat and the tiny sobs which turned into a huge weeping. Because what is the purpose of living any longer if this monster destroys the only precious thing belongs to me? My self respect.. it is something important to me unlike the other girls who threw themselves to every breathing creature out there.

"Little angel.. I think you will like this sweet little torture.. do you know what I am going to do? I am going to tear your clothes and then I am going to suck your sweet little pussy and fuck you to my heart content."

And then that horrid monster started laughing louder like a maniac.

"Please don't do this.. I.... I...." My voice died in half way when I realised where this was heading. So I closed my teary eyes knowing that I was going to loose the only precious thing that I had saved; my purity which I had planned to offer to the love of my life someday If I meet him in that life journey..

But at once a miracle happened. Because my inner prayers were answered as a deep, grumpy voice interrupted the filthy, smelly vampire who was trying to destroy my whole soul.

" Snepher, what are you doing bastard? Didn't you hear that I said that I want this girl without any harm?"

" But boss I am just trying to have a little fun.. is that wrong?"

"I am not telling you this nicely again bastard.. she will be our next money bank with a face and a hot body like this.. So go and ask Careena to come.. Now!! she is going to prepare her to our next auction that is going to takes place in the evening. "

Honestly I didn't realise the meaning behind that grumpy man's words for few seconds as I was emotionally drained terribly. But his words started echoing in my mind in the next few seconds; auction, money bank...Then suddenly I realised the terrible fate that I was going to face though I got rid of that horrible monster for the time being.

The only thing I realized was that it was a horrible place. A pet shop where they sold humans as slaves, walking blood bags as well as sex slaves to the noble vampires. So that means, they were going to sell me to another blood sucking monster, weren't they?

"Oh lord what have I gotten myself into?"

I just mumbled to myself without having any single clue about where my next destination will be. Because I knew that my future depended on the vampire who is going to buy me. Will he be a good one whom I can live without a worry or will he be a monster like the ones in this horrible place? However I knew I have to wait and see before coming into conclusions on my own.


So.. Sofia is about to meet Zion. What do you think?
For that, read the  next chapter.

And don't forget to vote and comment if you you like my book as it is really important to my writing..

Thank you!

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