Feeling so high

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"Can I touch your baby bump? It looks so sexy on you." When he licked his lips while looking at my body like that, I couldn't stop squirming my legs. Because the painful arch in between my legs intensified every second when I see the way he looks at me like that.

"Why do you need to get the permission to touch what's yours Zi? He or she is your baby, not anybody's..." When I blamed him on that day, I said the most horrible thing I never thought. I said that this baby belongs to somebody else and I am happy with him. That moment I witnessed the hurt and the heartbreak he experienced himself from my own eyes. So I wanted to repeat over and over again telling him that this child is solely his.

"Do you know how devastated I was hearing such a horrible thing from you? I knew you were lying to me. But when you said it with your own mouth looking at me like that...I just..."

"I am so sorry...God...what did I thought hurting you...like that?" The tears that had stopped a little while ago started flowing down my puffy cheeks once more.

"Hi...hi...stop crying baby. I know what a emotional rollercoaster you were in at that moment. I didn't tell it to make you cry again. So please don't cry." Saying that when he wiped my tears, I buried my face in his naked, godly chest inhaling the delicious smell that's reserved only for him.

It's been an hour we were back in the house. Since then, we are in the bathtub in my bathroom tangled in each other while washing and touching each other to our heart content. We couldn't stay away from each other even for a second after separating for almost 4 months without no communication and touch.

We just wanted to feel each other and smell each other wrapped in our own bubble as much possible. So I straddled him while wearing just the drenched lace panties and the bra when he was just in his black jock straps. The white dress shirt I was wearing and his shirt and the pants are long gone as soon as we entered the bathroom as they were too dirty to keep any longer.

"Can I ask you something?" I know we have to talk about that horrible morning sooner or later.

"Yea...baby anything you want." He started rubbing my back with one hand while the other started squeezing my ass. Though he did it to soothe my muscles, I was less than a second away from losing my mind. God!what is he doing to me? But Sofia! Just keep your horny thoughts away for a second.

"You know I can read you now, right?" When he said like that I knew that I am blushed like a red tomatoe already.

"Oh God! You!!!Zion... no..." Saying that I buried my face more in his chest and tightened my hands on his neck. And then that bratty arrogant, sexy chuckle I couldn't resist. He is going to kill me with his hotness at this rate.

"Yea...I know how horny you are baby... With your dirty thoughts and the delicious smell that you are spreading...it's pure torture for me." His voice dropped to a zero level when he whispered the last part into my ear while nibbling it from the corner.

"You know...it's difficult for me to resist you when you are so yummy like this." When I said it with the same whispering voice while licking the mate mark on his bicep, I didn't miss the Sharpe intake of breath and the growing bulge under me.

"Shall we get over with this quickly? Coz I wanna fuck you so hard baby." God! I love that filthy talk. It makes me turn on for no reason. Ofcourse I wanted to get over with that so called talk quickly. I didn't even wanna have a single piece of doubt in between us anymore. So no matter how badly I wanted him, I just decided to deal with our important talk first.

"Why did you said that you are expecting a child and you are going to marry her...if the child isn't yours?" I know there should be an explanation. So I am willing to hear it right now. Because I didn't want to run away from him anymore.

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