Heavenly Realm

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"Are you ready baby?"

"Yea, I am. Give me a minute Zi...I am coming."

It's being 6 days that we are back in the palace. Zion's parents and grandparents were so excited seeing me. It was a live proof how much they missed me seeing  how his mom and grandmother and then his father and grandfather took turns to hug me and kiss me like they can't believe I am real. And then they were so ecstatic knowing I am pregnant with his child. Because that means the next in line to the throne is on the way.

They told me the miserable life Zion spent during my absence. It was the side Zion didn't try explain to me no matter how much I tried. I know he might have thought I will feel more guilty and sad hearing that. However after listening to his parents and grandparents' speech, I determined to communicate with him in the future without running like a coward.

Today is really a special day to me. Because I decided to visit my birth realm and meet my parents, my brother and the other gods and goddesses who were excited to meet the daughter of Zeus and Selene. But it's not a lie if I tell you that I am so nervous and a little scared. However as Zion said, I knew I have to spend some quality time with them if I want that odd feeling to go away whenever I am in their presence.

They had informed the king and the queen that they will be opening a portal in Letchworth State Park for us to enter into the Heavenly Realm. Without a second thought, his parents allowed them knowing how important they are to me. Eventhough I thought it isn't a big deal at first, when we get closed to the park a little by little that funny overwhelmed feeling was circling my guts. However I knew cannot hide anything to my mate no matter what. That's why his next question wasn't a surprise to me.

"Why are you so tense baby? You know that I am with you on this, right?"

"I know...it's just that funny feeling in my tummy till I see them again it seems. Thank you Zi...I know you are..."

After that he dragged me to his chest and hid me in his warm embrace while patting my back with his slender fingers. It truly brought a comfort to my uneasy heart and the mind. So I closed my eyes and got closed to his cool warmth seeking the comfort I needed as always. It took 20 minutes for his driver to take us to the park. When we stood before the portal to be opened, away from prying human eyes, I calmed my breathing with the help of Zion while he back hugged me and whispered sweet things to my ears.

When the portal opened at the exact time they told us, Zion and I entered hand in hand while he carried the bag that contained our clothes and the other needful things for a week. I hope this journey will not disappoint me in any way. But that wish was just a joke when the haunting past awaits for you no matter what you hope.

In my mind, I had a total different picture about Heavenly Realm. I thought there will be like floating clouds, flying unicorns and golden buildings everywhere because of the fictional books I have read. But how wrong was I to think like that. Because when we stepped into the Heavenly realm, it was just as the earth with sky high buildings, flashy cars, trees and then gods and goddesses who walk on the road like regular earthly creatures.

"What are you thinking so hard?" My trance broke hearing Zion's voice.

"I just had a different picture about Heavenly realm. But it seems everything is same just as we saw in earth, isn't it?"

"Yes baby, everything is same except the traditions and the cultures."

"Oh! Really?"

"Yes love."

After that we faced the window and observed the passing scenery  while whispering things to ourselves lost in our own world. Within half an hour we reached the palace of my mom and dad. I just expected to see only them and Apollo that moment. But to my astonishment, when we were guided to the main hall, there were many good looking men and women though I couldn't pinpoint who was whom.  But within seconds, Zion solved the mystery in my head whispering that they are the other gods and goddesses who expected my arrival.

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