10k reads!

362 9 6

i was so blessed to wake up this morning and realise that la chiave del tuo cuore had hit 10k reads! it was such a surprise to me that even after i stopped writing and updating this fic, people were still reading it! i am honestly so grateful, and very very sorry that i won't be finishing la chiave del tuo cuore (probably, but we'll see)

at the moment, i am focussing on my other fic VENTURIS VENTIS (previously known as Roses Are Red) which since i began editing has  been receiving a lot more attention, which i am very happy about! while i do have more fics planned (primarily Band of Brothers fics or VENTURIS VENTIS follow ons) that does not mean that i definitely won't revisit la chiave del tuo cuore in the future. we'll just have to wait and see!

thank you so so much again for 10k reads! it was honestly such a surprise and i am so glad people are enjoying my writing! you all are the best!

rose <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2021 ⏰

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