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Aurora Black ran through the corridors of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, muttering apologies as she went. Running around the castle was not something the students normally did. Everything about the school was lavish and beautiful. The walls were a royal blue colour, framed by ornate gold leaf swirls. The Beauxbatons girls were expected to be dignified and ladylike. Running through the corridors was not that. But this was important.

The girl was moving surprisingly fast for someone in six inch heels. It was a wonder she hadn't fallen on her face by now. Aurora's long, dark hair flowed behind her as she sprinted through the castle. Ignoring the the disapproving looks she received, she finally made it to the stairs that lead to the seventh year common room. It was a grand staircase made of marble, and framed by gold banisters. It twisted high up into the East tower of the castle. Aurora's heels clicked loudly as she took the steps two at a time, having to jump a little to avoid tripping. Unlike her cousins, the girl had never been very tall. The rest of her Italian family were willowy and slender, whereas she was more petite.

When Aurora finally made it to the top, she stumbled through the gilded doors and entered a spacious, elegant room. The velvet sofas were royal blue, and the elegant fireplace was crackling with fire. The common room was lavish, yet cosy. Beauxbatons students lounged comfortably on the expensive furniture. When they saw her at the entrance, they stared at Aurora with judgemental stares. The girl often came to visit Fleur. They knew she was not someone to care about what people thought of her. Yet, they still disapproved of her dishevelled appearance. A large part of being a Beauxbatons student was looking the part.

Again Aurora ignored the looks the overly beautiful seventh years were giving her. Yes, she probably looked a mess, but she really didn't care. She had more important things to worry about.

It didn't take long for Aurora to find her adoptive sister. Fleur stood out. She was part Veela, which made her even more beautiful- if that was possible- that the other Beauxbatons girls. Her slivery hair seemed to shine like diamonds, and her milky white skin was always perfect- never even a tiny blemish. Most people envied her, but not Aurora. She knew that the girl's beauty was not just skin deep, or part of her inhuman blood. It was a reflection of the person inside. And she loved her big sister with all her heart.

"Fleur!" she called with her Italian accent. Despite living in France from a very young age, her accent was something that never left her, and she didn't want it to. The only memory she had of her mother was a snippet of a bedtime story. Aurora found her voice soothing. She wanted a part of her mother to live on in her, so her accent was the same as the first day she began speaking.

When the older girl did not notice her, Aurora called again, this time louder. "Fleur!" when the blonde haired girl heard the accented voice calling her, she smiled softly. Her younger sister would often turn up unannounced like this. Although she pretended it annoyed her, Fleur always looked forward to her surprise visits. Excusing herself from her friends, the older girl turned to face Aurora with a grin. She made her way quickly across the common room and greeted her little sister with a kiss on both cheeks. Speaking in French she said in a teasing tone, "Alors, qu'est-ce qui vous amène jusqu'ici, Rora ?" (So, what brings you all the way up here Rora?) Fleur knew that the younger girl hated that nickname, but she used it all the same. Aurora scoffed and rolled her eyes before replying, "Premièrement, ne m'appelez pas comme ça, et deuxièmement, j'ai une nouvelle plutôt excitante !" (First off, don't call me that, and second, I have some rather exciting news!) Now it was Fleur's turn to scoff. "Ah oui ? Et comment êtes-vous tombés sur cette nouvelle passionnante ? En écoutant à nouveau aux portes ?" (Oh yeah? And how did you come across this exciting news? Eavesdropping again?)

"Vous voulez l'entendre ou pas ?" (Do you want to hear it or not?) Aurora deadpanned. She then proceeded to step on to the coffee table in the centre of the room and began waving her arms about to try and grab everyone's attention. Fleur crossed her arms over her chest, watching in slight amusement. When the room finally quietened down, Aurora cleared her throat and began to address the expectant seventh years. "Bonjour à tous. Je suis sûr que vous me connaissez tous maintenant, alors je vais aller droit au but. J'ai des nouvelles très intéressantes. J'ai récemment obtenu des informations d'une... source fiable, qui indique que le tournoi Tri-Wizard aura lieu à l'école Poudlard cette année, et que des Beaux-batons y participeront !" (Hello everyone. I'm sure you all know me by now, so I'll get straight to the point. I have some very exciting news. I have recently obtained some information from a... reliable source, that states that the Tri-Wizard Tournament is to be held at Hogwarts School this year, and Beauxbatons are to attend!) A ripple of excited gasps and whispers rippled across across the room. Aurora smirked at the girls' reactions. Shouting over the raising noise level, she continued. "Maintenant, je ne sais pas quand nous partirons, mais ce sera peut-être très bientôt, alors soyez prêts ! Oh, et préparez des vêtements chauds. J'ai entendu dire que l'Angleterre est plutôt froide." (Now I don't know when we are leaving, but it may be very soon, so be prepared! Oh, and pack some warm clothes. I heard England's rather chilly.) the seventh years began to chatter animatedly to each other. It was so worth all the sneaking around she did to try and find out what Madame Maxime was hiding. Of course, the professors did their best to hide it from all of the students. But nothing gets past Aurora Black, and she would use any means necessary to find out what she needed to know. At that moment, Aurora made her decision. She was going to enter the Triwizard Tournament, and she was going to win.


Hi guys! So this is the first chapter of la chiave del tuo cuore. In case you were wondering about the title, it is "the key to your heart" in Italian. I thought it sounded cool so there you go. Also, I am by no means Italian. I am English, and only thirteen. I am NOT fluent, so most of the stuff in French, Italian and Russian/Bulgarian is translated. Please don't be mad if I get stuff wrong.

Rose x

la chiave del tuo cuore {cedric diggory}Where stories live. Discover now