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Since their encounter in the woods, the Black twins had befriended Harry, Hermione and Ron Weasley. The trio told their new friends all about their various adventures. In their first year, they faced off against Voldemort to retrieve the Philosopher's Stone and prevent him from returning to his full power. In second year, the trio figured out who was behind the attacks on Muggle-Borns within the castle- namely Lord Voldemort once again- and Harry managed to kill him, save Ginny Weasley, and slay the Basilisk all in one night. Lastly, in their third year, they saved Aurora and Dante's father from the clutches of the Dementors. Those three kids had been through a hell of a lot. It was a wonder they were still alive.

But today, the twins had a very different task. It was their first day of lessons at Hogwarts. Aurora and Dante were supposed to take their O.W.Ls this year, but seen as the Tri-Wizard Tournament was taking place, all exams had been cancelled. The Black twins and their cousin Blanca were the only fifth years from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, so they would be joining the other sixth years in their classes. They were already very advanced Academic wise.

Their first class of the day was History of Magic with somebody called Professor Binns. Aurora physically had to drag herself out of bed. What was the point of being a Tri-Wizard Champion if you still had to do lessons? With many huffs and groans, the girl got dressed into her uniform and made her way down the stairs and to the temporary quarters for the Beauxbatons students. "Bonjour, Blanca." (Good morning Blanca.) she greeted her raven haired cousin. The girl smirked as she caught sight of Aurora. "Ah, la Belle au Bois Dormant s'est réveillée de sa sieste de cent ans !" (Ah, Sleeping Beauty has awoken from her hundred year nap!) she snickered slightly. "Tais-toi". (Shut up.) the Black grumbled bad temperedly. Blanca merely laughed at her again, earning herself a ferocious glare. She wrapped her arm around her cousin, and lead her towards the exit. "Allez, cousin ! Nous avons des leçons à suivre". (Come on cousin! We have lessons to go to.)

"Oh joie". (Oh joy)

Aurora was pretty sure she slept through the whole of Professor Binns' class. It was a wonder he didn't notice. Not only was the teacher incredibly boring, he was also dead. Literally. The man was a ghost. The Beauxbatons students were appalled that Hogwarts had employed someone who physically could not even pick up a quill. It was an outrage! Back at their school in France, their professors were the most accomplished witches and wizards in the world in their respective fields. But at Hogwarts, they could not even keep a Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher for more than a year. Apparently the post was cursed. It certainly seemed as if it was. Harry, Hermione and Ron had told the twins all about their previous DADA professors. Their first one was a stuttering idiot who had Voldemort sticking out of the back of his head. He had been killed while Harry was retrieving the Philosopher's Stone. Their second teacher- who was also an idiot- managed to obliviate himself in the Chamber of Secrets and was sent to St Mungo's. He was a fraud anyway who didn't know a thing about magic. Finally, their third professor was actually very good. But there was only one problem. He was a werewolf. So it seemed that the position was cursed after all.

After their incredibly boring History of Magic lesson with the Ravenclaws- Aurora and Blanca headed to Potions with the Hufflepuffs and Slytherins. They were not looking forward to it. They heard some pretty bad things about the Potions Master- Severus Snape. It seemed as if he hated everyone except for the members of his own house- Slytherin.

The Beauxbatons girls entered the potions room just behind Snape. They tried to sneak to their seats as quietly as possible, but the Potions Master was not easily fooled. "Ah, Miss Black. Miss DeLuca. How lovely of you to join us. It appears that you are late." he whirled around suddenly, his black cape billowing out behind him. Aurora fought the urge to laugh at his melodramatic manner. "What a shame. First impressions are everything you know." Snape was taunting them. The Black twin felt the anger rising up in her throat. Before she could say something she would regret, Blanca spoke up in her soft Italian accent. "We are sorry Professor. We were given a map, but neither of us can read English very well. We took a wrong turn." This was a blatant lie. The girls had gone to the bathroom to clean themselves up- Professor's Binns' classroom was both dusty and very stuffy. Luckily, Snape fell for the excuse. He begrudgingly let them off with a warning, and the two girls sat down at the vacant desk, smug smirks present on their faces.

The sixth years and Aurora and Blanca were brewing a Draught of Living Death. This was a potion both girls had made before. They had the recipe memorised and perfected. So when Professor Snape came to test Aurora's potion- she was expecting some sort of praise.

"Acceptable." the greasy haired professor stated, barely even glancing inside the girl's cauldron. "Excuse me?" she asked in incredulity. "I have been brewing this potion since third year. I think I deserve more than an acceptable." the whole stared open mouthed at the girl. No one ever dared challenge Snape.

Most of the class expected some kind of outburst from the professor. But instead he just sighed irritably. "I would take house points away for disrespecting a teacher, but seen as you aren't a Hogwarts student, a detention will have to do." Aurora scoffed in disbelief. She couldn't believe she had just been given a detention for questioning her grade. "I don't think that's fair." she spoke firmly. Snape glared at her. "And why is that Miss Black?"

"I know for a fact my Draught of Living Death is worth an Outstanding. At Beauxbatons, we were taught by the best potioneers in the world. Giving me an acceptable would be an insult to them, as well as to me." Aurora stared coldly at the Potions Master. She would not back down. It wasn't in her nature.

"You remind me of your mother you know." the whole room froze. They had never heard a word spoken about the girl's actual parentage. If they weren't really paying attention before, they definitely were now. "Luciana Bianco." he continued with a small smirk on his face. "She was strong minded as well. A very gifted student. She would have gone far if she hadn't met that Black." Snape spat out Aurora's family name as if it were poison. "And then she had you and your brother. Everything went downhill from there. She had so much talent, yet she wasted it. Then she went and got herself blown up." Aurora winced at his words. No. She thought. I will not be weak. But the look of distinct discomfort had not gone unnoticed by Snape or the class. The professor smirked easily. "And the sad thing is, it was her own husband who betrayed her. Her beloved Sirius Black." he finished, his eyes blazing with pure hatred. The class stayed silent, gawking at Aurora. The daughter of a murderer. She looked about ready to murder.
"Don't you ever talk about my parents like that." she spoke, her voice dangerously soft. "You don't know them like I do. My father would never betray my mother." her voice rose slightly. "He is twice the person you are. You're just pathetic." Snape looked absolutely livid as some of the other students stifled giggles. They quickly stopped laughing though, as the Potions Master took two long strides towards Aurora, and raised his arm up, ready to strike her. The girl did not even flinch. "Why you insolent little-"

"Professor Snape, sir?" a young boy who looked about twelve years old stood in the doorway, blinking in terror at the scene unfolding before him. Snape looked furious at being interrupted, but dropped his arm. "What?" he snapped.

"I-I'm here t-to take Cedric D-D-Diggory and Aurora B-Black to the w-wand weighing ceremony. P-P-Professor Dumbledore s-s-sent me." the boy stuttered, earning a scowl from Snape.

"Very well. Take your things and get out of my sight." he growled. With one last glare in his direction, the girl stormed out of the classroom with Cedric Diggory in tow. He noted how angry Aurora looked. As terrified as he was at being in the presence of Sirius Black's daughter, it was not in his nature to sit and watch a person suffer, and this girl was obviously suffering.

"Aurora!" he called, making her halt in place. Cedric jogged to where she was standing. The girl had an obvious emotional barrier up to protect herself, but it was faltering.

"Are you alright?" as he stared into Aurora's eyes his breath hitched. The teenagers could feel themselves being pulled into a trance as they gazed at one another. Cedric was sure he saw the walls Aurora had built up so high crumble slightly. But the illusion quickly disappeared as she awoke from her daze. Her expression turned stony again as she gave him a curt nod and proceeded to stride away from the boy. Cedric sighed as he watched her walk away. He could not for the life of him figure out Aurora Black.


Hi guys! Thanks so much for 100 views! I know it's not a lot but I'm just glad people are reading La chiave del tuo cuore. It's the Weighing of the Wands next. Enjoy!

Rose x

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