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Over the next month, the seven champions took to- more or less- training together. They would meet every day at lunch and after school in the Forbidden Forest to practice. The champions would split off into groups and go their separate way to prepare for the task. Fleur and Aurora would head towards a large clearing near the Black Lake, Adam, Cedric and Harry would make their way up to the cliffs, whereas Viktor and Dante's practice location would vary depending on whether they could remember where their last spot had been. It was an odd timetable, but it worked for them. They could prepare for the upcoming task without being disturbed, while still having their friends for moral support. The champions knew that they would need each other, even if they were competing against them. Even Aurora knew that she could not do this alone.

So came the day when the champions would face the first task. It was a cool, crisp November morning, and the tension in the air was thick enough to cut with a knife.

The seven champions were pacing around in their tent, waiting anxiously for the task to begin. They could hear the excited chatter of the audience that was beginning to assemble outside. Every now and then, a roar from one of the dragons could be heard, making the already nervous champions jump in alarm.

Aurora noticed Dante sat on one of the beds in the tent, with his head in his hands. The younger twin felt her heart ache. She hated seeing her brother like this. He was always so bubbly and enthusiastic. Sitting next to him on the bed, she placed a comforting hand on his tense shoulder.

"Ehi." (Hey.) she whispered softly, careful not to startle him. Dante grunted in reply. He knew that is he opened his mouth he'd be sick all over Aurora, and she would not appreciate him ruining her expensive fire-proof combat gear.

"So che hai paura". (I know you're scared.) Aurora began carefully, "Anch'io ho paura. Tutto questo è spaventoso. E' dannatamente mentale. Ma questo è quello per cui abbiamo firmato. Io credo in te, Dante. So che puoi farcela. Vuoi sapere perché? Perché sei la persona più forte che conosco. Sei stato la mia roccia per tutti questi anni, affrontando i miei capricci e i miei esaurimenti nervosi. E so di non essere sempre stato la persona più facile da raggiungere, ma non ti sei mai arreso con me. Hai continuato a sostenermi nei momenti buoni e in quelli cattivi. Tu, Dante Black, sei il miglior fratello maggiore che potessi mai chiedere. Se c'è qualcuno che può superare tutto questo, quello sei tu". (I'm scared too. This whole thing is scary. It's bloody mental. But this is what we signed up for. I believe in you, Dante. I know you can do this. Do you want to know why? Because you are the strongest person I know. You have been my rock for all these years, dealing with my temper tantrums and my mental breakdowns. And I know I haven't always been the easiest person to get through to, but you never gave up on me. You kept on supporting me through good times and bad. You, Dante Black, are the best big brother I could ever ask for. If anyone can get through this it's you.) Aurora finished fiercely, tears in her eyes. She had never properly thanked Dante for all the times he had helped her. She was so grateful she had him for a brother and he needed to know how much he meant to her.

By the time she had finished her speech, Dante was staring at her completely speechless. Aurora did not speak very much, so when she did he knew she meant every word. The boy felt tears welling in his eyes.

"Ti voglio tanto bene, sorellina". (I love you so much little sister.) he managed to choke out before engulfing his sister in a tight hug. Aurora smiled softly. "Ti amo anch'io". (I love you too.) she whispered.

The tender moment was interrupted by the sound of a tent flap opening. The twins turned to see Ludo Bagman, Barty Crouch, Dumbledore, Karkaroff and Madame Maxime all entering the champions tent.

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