i hate you

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a/n :  ayo you mfs prefer platonic oneshots or romantic ones ?

919 words (minus a/n)


for most of the day wilbur had been ignoring everyone. he wasn't doing it to be a prick he was just focusing on his music, everyone in house knew that simply because they had ears and could hear the strums of a guitar along with the british boy's voice singing to whatever tune created. while everyone knew that they shouldn't bother wilbur whenever he was trying to create a new song or simply wanting to play music, someone didn't like having to leave wilbur along for a day.

tommy stared at the stairs from the couch, face sour. the blond wanted to run into his older brother's room and pester him until wilbur dropped the guitar to hang out with him. he actually would run into wil's room if it wasn't for phil or techno telling him off whenever he got near the oldest sibling's door.

"why can techno go into wilby's room and i can't?" tommy grumbled, arms crossed and sliding down the couch.

"because i don't scream at wilbur and beg for attention" was the answer he gained from his pink haired brother. tommy found the answer quite frankly stupid, surely wilbur wouldn't mind having his younger brother in his room while playing music. they were like best friends even if wilbur said that thought would make him cry.

"i won't beg for attention, i'll simply get it" the blond retorted. he could try and get into wilbur's room for the hundredth time, he doubted he could even get in but it was worth a shot. he decided to use his last shot.

the blond carefully got off the couch without making noise, techno too interested in a book and phil cooking made it the best time to go into wil's room.

tommy knew he wouldn't mind.

or he thought wilbur wouldn't mind.

when he entered wil's room he was faced with the fact the brunet didn't want to make eye contact, humming and strumming his guitar instead.

"wilby" tommy said, walking over to stand in front of wilbur. he gained no response or even sign that the brunet knew he was there.

so he took the guitar from his hands.

maybe it was a dumb idea but at the time tommy believed it was a smart one, wilbur had to pay attention to him now so he was a genius.

"give it back" the annoyance in wil's voice was something tommy was used to but this time it felt more genuine, he brushed it off.

"i'm not giving it back until you pay attention to me prick!" the blond stuck his tongue out, smiling smugly when wilbur looked up. his smile dropped when there was no playful annoyance in his older brother's eyes.

"give it back dickhead"

he wouldn't, he couldn't— his plan was working wilbur just decided to be pissy today, it's fine.

"no, give me attention wilby"

"you're getting fucking attention, so give it back"

the two stayed silent until wilbur tried to take the guitar back, tommy's grip became tighter and the blond shouted out

"you can't have it!"

it was a quick scuffle until it happened.

the two boys were fighting over something tommy believed to be a stupid item, he didn't understand why the fuck a guitar was worth more than to spend time with his younger brother. he soon found out how much the guitar meant to the brunet once both of their grips failed and the musical instrument was dropped to the floor, it broke in front of their eyes and for the first time, tommy saw wilbur have no patience. the fucking moment the guitar smashed into bits wilbur's eyes dulled and the corner's of them turned red yet no emotion outside his eyes was shown.

"get out" his voice was harsh yet so dull, it felt like a butter knife cutting into tommy's skin but his skin was butter in that moment. the dullness of wil's voice still surprised tommy.

"wil i—"

"get the fuck out"

"wilby please—"

"tommy i don't want anything to do with you, do you fucking know who made that guitar?"

'course tommy knew the answer to that but it made the situation so much worse.

"i know who but—"

"i can't get another one of these, not from her.. you fucking knew what i was doing so why did you come in?"

"well i—"

"you had one job theseus, one job"

"i can't fucking spend days without speaking to you, you have to understand that— i miss you even though you're in the same building"

the brunet went silent, only a sniffle coming out of his mouth.

"i.. i hate you, get the fuck out"

wilbur didn't mean that but he wasn't thinking.

"you don't— we're best.. best friends"

"don't say that, i fucking hate you"

what could tommy even say to that?

nothing really.

so he ran out with tears in his eyes, he knew he was clingy but he never meant to break the only thing mum ever gifted wil because it was in the way of gaining attention. tommy thought if he went in that wilbur would've sung to him, that it would've been peaceful.

it wasn't and tommy couldn't handle the glares and painful silence he got from his older brother for the weeks followed.

the blond only hoped it wouldn't last forever but for now he would cry because he couldn't do a thing to make wilbur even talk to him without an insult being thrown out.

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