come home

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a/n : sorry for not updating that fast, i have a lot of drafts for this so i promise i'm working on stuff so have this short and honestly bad oneshot.

462 words (minus a/n)


recently my flatmate got a job. yeah it helps pay for stuff but i miss him when he's gone. he works late and is passed out in morning. it's that he's a great guy i just kinda want to spend more time with him.. y'know?

6:30pm - Techyyy

'are you almost done work?'
'i miss you 🤧😭'

i put my phone onto the table and continued to edit a video, taking glancing at my phone to see if any notifications popped up. one did soon enough and i dashed for my phone to see what it was.

"it's just twitter.." i said disappointment. i put my phone back down but i stared at it this time. staring like a puppy who wants your food or like a random child that's on the train, bus- everywhere except home.

i sighed and looked down at the actual puppy, cum- i'm kidding it's floof.

floof was techno's service dog. usually floof would be out there with techno.. i wonder why he didn't bring floof this time. i picked up the small fluffy dog and gently patted its head, "i miss him too.." i said quietly.

hours past and still no response. i picked up my phone to at least see if he left me on read. he didn't.

i typed in 'are you still working? because i thought your shift ended hours ago' and then pressed send.

more hours past and i found myself staring at the message, waiting for something anything. for it to say he's read it, a typing bubble or better yet a response. i stared at that message for what felt like an hour. i let out a worried sigh and decided to message techno's coworker, phil.

5:42am - Philza

'hey phil, is techno working late?'

'no. he didn't come to work today, i thought he called in sick?'

'he said he was leaving for work and he hasn't come home since'

'oh jeez..'
'i'm sure he's fine wil..'

i want to believe he's fine but i just can't. techno isn't the type to just go off on an adventure without telling someone. i took one look at the time and put my phone

i need sleep..

i glanced at the empty bed that was to the opposite side of mine. it feels so weird without him here, it feels empty and i feel weirdly cold. i then looked at floof who was sound asleep at the foot of my bed. i attempted to get comfortable and closed my eyes, in hopes that techno would be here when i woke up.


he wasn't


i attempted to message him but
'your message failed to send'

i tried again but same thing.. did he block me?


techno was reported missing two days later

exhausted  |  sleepy bois inc oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now