Chapter 10

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Tony was running around the store, picking up nearly every toy car that he liked. I was standing beside Tommy. Tommy was watching him. "He's expensive." Tommy said. "Just like you." Tommy looked at me from the corner of his eye. Tony ran over to him. "Are those all the ones you want?" I asked. Tony nodded eagerly. I took them out of his hands and placed them on the counter. Tommy pulled out his wallet. "How much? " "Eh about $70." The clerk answered. Tommy pulled out $80 and gave it to him. The clerk was about to give him back his change, but Tommy stopped him. "Keep the change." "Thank you Mr. Valencia." The clerk bagged up Tony's cars and handed me the bag. "Have a good day." The clerk smiled. We turned to leave. Tommy stopped us. "What are you-" A group of men with machine guns got out of a car. One of them aimed it at the store. I grabbed Tony quickly."Get down!" Tommy shouted. Tommy grabbed us both and hopped behind the counter, where a quivering store clerk was. I held Tony in my arms and shielded his face as the bullets came flying through pretty much everything. My breathing quickened as the shooting didn't seem to slow down at all.Tommy blocked us from the bullets and the flying wood. The bullets stopped. Tommy fired his gun. I think he hit three because I heard them groan. Tommy got up and raced out of the doors. I slightly uncovered Tony's face. He was crying and shaking furiously. I rocked a bit and kissed his forehead. "Shit!" Tommy cursed. Tommy ran over to us. He kneeled down beside me. "Are any of you hurt?" He asked. "We're fine." I answered. Tommy's eyes landed on Tony. Tommy reached to touch him. Tony flinched away and looked at him. Tommy placed his hand under his arm. Tony finally let him pick him up. Tommy held him in his arms and bounced a bit. Tommy rubbed his back. "He has the nerve. He attacked me and nearly killed you and Tony. Donald Sterling has to pay." 

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