Chapter 7

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When we get into their suite, I can hear the other lads talking in the kitchen so we walk over there. They’re all sitting at the table eating breakfast. I take a seat next to Liam. I look up to see Niall rushing out of the kitchen. I am curious as to why he rushed out so fast but I brush it off and start to talk to the lads. “Hey guys, what’s up?” I ask all of them.

“Nothing much, I’m absolutely knackered!” Zayn says, running a hand through his hair. “What time did you guys get to bed last night?” I ask. “Probably around half past 3.” He says. “Oh wow, I went to bed around 1:30.” I say. “What time did you go back to your room?” Louis asks, his eyes blood shot. Someone must’ve got wasted last night. “She didn’t.” Harry answers for me. “YOU DIDN’T?!” Louis says, gasping. “Uhh, no I didn’t.” I say. “Where did you sleep?” Asks Zayn. “I didn’t see you on the couch when I was going to bed.” I open my mouth to speak before Harry cuts me off.

 “She slept in Niall’s room!” Harry answers for me, AGAIN. “Ok Harry, I can speak for myself.” I say, glaring at him. “Really??” Liam asks. “Uh, yeah. I slept in Niall’s room.” I say. He quickly looks down at his breakfast. Well, that was strange. “Why did you sleep in his room? Why didn’t you go back to your room?” Zayn asks. “Well, he offered. And I didn’t want to sleep in an empty suite alone.” I say. “You could’ve slept in one of our rooms.” Liam says, looking up. “Yeah, I guess I could’ve. But you guys were all still outside when I was going to sleep. And Niall and l were going to bed at the same time.” I say, trying to defend myself.

“You lads should’ve seen what she was wearing this morning!” Harry exclaims.  Oh god. “What??” Louis says, suddenly intrigued. “She was wearing a pair of his white boxers and one of his t shirts! That’s all!!” says Harry grinning. ”OWW OWWW!!” Louis yells. I glare at Harry and Liam suddenly gets up and walks out of the kitchen. “What’s his problem?” I ask the other guys. They’re all silent. I know that there’s something they aren’t telling me. Suddenly someone speaks up. “Can’t you tell?” Louis asks. “Can’t I tell what?” I ask, confused. “Liam likes you.” Zayn says. “He does?!” I ask, completely shocked.

“Yeah, but he didn’t want to say anything to you because he knew that Niall liked you.” Harry says. “So you guys all knew, but you didn’t say anything to me?!” I almost yell at them. “Yup.” Harry says plainly. “I’m going to go talk to him.” I say. I quickly get up and walk out of the kitchen before they have a chance to try and stop me.

***A/n***   HEY!! sorry i haven't updated in ages!! been super busy with school and stuff!! gonna be updating more during my winter break! this is part of a larger chapter i have written so look out for the other parts which ill be publishing tonight! THANKS FOR READING! (: p.s. hi michelle haha

-<3 ya. ashley

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