Chapter 12

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When I get into my room, I sit on my bed and put my elbows on my knees, my chin resting on my hands. I look up to see Niall running into my room. “Love, what’s wrong? Why did you just get up and run off?” he asks, a serious look on his face. I really need to know what’s up with us before I get too involved again.

“Niall, what’s going on between us?” I ask. “What do you mean?” he asks. “Well, you talked to management about ‘us’ today. What happened?” I ask. “What did they say to you?” “They don’t really like the idea of us dating, and I told them that we weren’t dating…” he says, looking down.

“Niall, what are you saying?” I ask, getting a bit frustrated. “Uh, Ava I think we should take a break.” He says hesitantly. “What? Where did this come from?! Didn’t we just make up? Why is this happening now…?” I think to myself. “A break?” I ask, my face dropping as I look straight at him. I can’t even believe he just said that to me. I’m in complete shock.

“Ava, what am I supposed to do? Management thinks our relationship will create too much drama in the media.” He says. “They don’t even have to know!” I yell. “They will, though. I can’t hide anything from them.” He says, looking down. “Niall, are you seriously going to let them tell you what you can and cannot do in your personal life?” I ask, getting frustrated. “I don’t have much of a choice.” He says.

“So we aren’t dating.” I say, more than ask. I don’t even want to hear his response. “No.” Is all he says. I look down, biting my lip and sighing deeply.  I’m trying my absolute hardest not to cry in from of him again. “But we can still be friends, we just won’t be dating.” He says, trying to reassure me. But I can’t do that! I can’t be around him and only be able to be his friend. I want much more than that with him.

“Can you go please? I really don’t want to deal with this right now.” I say to him quietly. “Come on Ava, don’t be like this.” He says to me. “Niall, please.” I say, a tear escapes and rolls down my face as I look up at him. “Oh Ava, please don’t cry.” He says, leaning in to wipe the tear off of my face. I reach up and wipe it away with the sleeve of Liam’s crewneck before he can get to it.

“Niall, please just go.” I say coldly, looking down into my lap as my throat starts to burn and the tears stream down my face. He sighs deeply and I feel him get up off of my bed. He kisses me on the head before walking out of my room. That just makes me cry even more.

When I hear the ‘Ding!’ of the elevator, I know that he’s gone. I’m still struggling to wrap my head around what just happened. I crawl up to my pillows and cry into them for what feels like forever. I decide that I can’t let this ruin my time here. He’s just a boy, and we can be friends if we want to. I tell myself that I shouldn’t get too caught up in him when I just met him yesterday.

**A/N** I feel like that’s a good place to stop for the night. Ill update tomorrow! ~ashley

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