Chapter 11

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I really need Niall right now. This is all unnecessarily stressful. I decide to text Niall. Me: please come up to my room. i need you. x

He texts back almost immediately. Niall: u alrite love? Liam jst came in. I’ll b rite up :) x. He comes up right away and I practically run into the next room when I hear the ‘Ding!’ of the elevator. When I see him, I run straight into his arms, bursting into tears.

“What’s wrong love?” He says, his voice suddenly turning serious. “I’m so sorry!!” I say into his chest, my voice muffled. “What’s there to be sorry about, love?” He asks. I pull away from him and he wipes the tears away from my face.

“Liam kissed me.” I say, sniffling. “WHAT?!?!” he practically screams. He pulls away from me and storms over to the elevator.”Niall, STOP!” I scream at him, causing him to stop dead in his tracks. He turns around and walks back over to me, grabbing my hands.

He looks me in the eyes, pressing his lips together to contain his anger.  I lean in and lightly kiss him on the lips to help him to calm down. “Are you a bit calmer now?” I ask, looking straight at him. “Yeah.” He says, looking away.

“Ok, I don’t want you to talk to Liam about him kissing me.” I say slowly. “Why not?!” he says, raising his voice and pulling away from me again. He walks over to the roses on the kitchen table. “He can’t just casually kiss you, Ava! You’re MY girlfriend!” He says. When he says that I’m his girlfriend, it makes me wonder if that’s even true anymore.

 “He likes me.” I say quickly. “He what?!” Niall asks, raising an eyebrow. “He likes me. But he didn’t do anything about it because he knew that you liked me.” I say. Hi face softens a bit, but he is still upset. “That still doesn’t give him a reason to kiss you.” he says, looking away from me.

 “Niall, please just cut him a break. He’s already upset about his breakup with Danielle. And he feels really bad about kissing me, don’t make him feel worse.” I say to him, looking into his blue eyes with my light brown ones. He sighs deeply. “Alright love.” He says.

“But what if he tries to kiss you again?” he asks. “It won’t happen again.” I say, looking away from him.  “Ok, I believe you.” He says. I walk over to the couch and sit down, he follows me. “I’m sorry about freaking out this morning.” He says, looking me right in the eyes. “I’ve only had one other girlfriend in my life and she cheated on me with my best friend. I guess I just have trust issues.” He says.

Sad!! “It’s fine, I kind of overreacted too by ignoring you all day.” I say. “No, you were right for feeling how you did.” He says.  “I’m just happy that we were able to talk about this, I really did miss you today.” I say. “I missed you too, love.” He says. I lean in to quickly kiss him on the lips but he puts a hand on the back of my neck and makes the kiss deeper. It’s almost as if he’s trying to make it last longer because he knew it was going to be short. For some reason, it feels wrong. I quickly pull away and get up off of the couch and walk to my room.

**A/N** hope you're liking it so far!! leave me comments saying what you think or if you have any ideas! (: i'm probs gonna update ONE MORE TIME tonight!!! maybe more haha im going crazy updating. see yaaaa


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