Chapter 3

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K…why are they screaming slash why are they looking up at my room?” I think to myself. As I look closer I notice that they are holding up signs. I grab my glasses and decide to try to read some of them: “I LOVE KEVIN!”, “HARRY GIVE US YOUR GRAVY!”, “NIALL FATHER MY CHILDREN”, “ZAYN I LOVE YOU!”, and “MARRY ME LOU! <3” are some of the signs I can read. “Who are Kevin, Harry, Niall, Zayn, and Lou..?” I think to myself. Then I think back to one of the names I saw...NIALL. “Are you fucking kidding me...?” I mumble. There’s no way that what I’m thinking is true. One Direction IS NOT staying at the same hotel as me!

Sighing deeply I slip on a pair of TOMS to walk out on the balcony. As I walk out onto the balcony the crowd goes completely silent, sees that I’m not them, then goes right back to screaming and chanting at them. I look over the edge of my balcony and see another balcony below mine. It goes out a bit farther than mine so I can see everyone and everything on it. I see a boy with curly brown hair and a boy with darker skin and Black hair styled into a quiff. I continue to stare at them and they suddenly turn around and look up at me. They both smile and wave at me. Annoyed by the screaming they’re clearly causing, I force a small smile back at them.

They wink at me and yell “HELLOOO!!” I roll my eyes at their cockiness and say “HI!” back. I’m forced to scream so they can hear me over the hundreds of girls. “DO YOU THINK YOU COULD GET THEM TO BE QUIET?!” I yell to them. “IM TRYING TO SLEEP!!!” “SURE THING, BABE!!” the one with dark hair says to me. The one with the curly hair says “ITS HALF ELEVEN!! YOU SHOULDN’T STILL BE SLEEPING!!” “YEAH WELL I JUST FLEW IN AND I HAVE JET LAG!!” I say, an angry look on my face. “HEY GIRLS!!!!!!!” the one with the dark hair screams down at the crowd. Silence washed over the crowd immediately. “OUR FRIEND HERE IS TRYING TO SLEEP!! COULD YOU PLEASE BE A BIT QUIETER?” he says. The crowd surprisingly ignores him and one girl screams “I LOVE YOU ZAAAAAYN!!!!” before I know it, the crowd is back screaming louder than before.

 “K cool.” I say to myself. Extremely annoyed I walk back into my room and sit on my bed. I grab my phone and go on twitter to tweet about this experience. “ava.crawford: just got woken up by hundreds of screaming girls outside of my hotel. Thanks for deciding to stay here, @onedirection.” Now that I was wide awake, and it was almost noon, I decide to leave my room and explore London a bit. I change back into my outfit from the plane: chiffon shirt, jeans, and oxfords and add a few bobby pins to my hair to fix fly-aways. I decide to take the time to put in my contacts in so I can wear my sunglasses.

I grab my Ray Ban Wayfarers and Longchamp and make sure I have my key and make my way through the suite, to the elevator door. When I get into the elevator, I press the button for the lobby and the elevator starts to move. Much to my surprise, it stops at the floor below me. “What the...” I think to myself. When the doors open, I roll my eyes and see a group of people waiting to get in. When the doors fully part I see five boys, and one older man, who looks very buff.

The boy on the left has light brown side swept hair and is wearing a white short-sleeved button down shirt ,blue knee length shorts and white canvas shoes. “A little homosexual...” I think to myself. Next to him is a guy that has dark brown hair with a blonde streak that is in a quiffed, he has the most gorgeous light brown eyes. He is wearing an OBEY t shirt, navy chinos, and red NIKES. Next to him is a boy with short brown hair that is quiffed and is wearing a My Box t shirt, stone colored chinos, and white converse. Second to last is a guy wearing a Ramones shirt, jeans that are a bit too tight, and white converse. The boy next to him on the end is Niall, great, his hair is clearly dyed blonde and he is wearing tan chinos, a red polo, and a blue snapback. I would say he looks cute, but I’m not going to let myself admit that.

 They all stare at me like they’re waiting for me to fan girl and freak out. Much to their surprise, I don’t. Waiting for them to say something or walk into the elevator, I raise one eyebrow. “HELLOOOOO!” the one on the left says to me with a bit too much enthusiasm. “Uhh, hi.” I say, quickly looking down at my feet. When I look up, I see that Niall is blushing and the rest of the boys are looking at him, confused. “Sooo...are you guys going to get on?” I ask. I hear a few mumbled “yeah’s” and notice that they are all staring at me. I quickly slide my phone out of my pocket to check myself and see that I look fine.

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