Chapter 18

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I hear a sudden burst of screaming outside, so I know the boys are home. Niall will be up any minute. I start to tear up at the thought of having to talk to him about leaving. I  try to collect myself. When I hear the ‘Ding’ of the elevator, my heart starts racing.

Niall slowly walks through the elevator doors and into my room. I look up to see him with a worried look on his face. Once I see that face made imperfect with worry, I lose it. The tears start coming and they won’t stop. When he sees that I’ve started to cry, he rushes over to me. He doesn’t say anything, he just pulls me into his arms.

I decide to say something to him. “My friends aren’t coming anymore.” I say, my voice muffled in his chest. “Shhh.” He says, trying to calm me down. “Why aren’t they coming?” he asks, realizing what I said. “Things came up, and both of them aren’t able to make it.” I say, pulling away from him and wiping the tears off of my face.

“Isn’t this crazy?! Now I have to go back!” When I look up at him, I see a tear escape from his eye. He quickly wipes it away, hoping that I didn’t see it but I did. Aw! I already feel bad, I don’t want Niall feeling bad too… “I don’t want you to go back.” He says.

“Neither do I, but I planned the trip here with them. I can’t stay here all summer alone!” I say, getting frustrated just thinking about it. “Stay with me.” He says quickly. “I can’t do that, Niall.” I say. “Why not?” he asks. “The lads and I only have a few small tours this summer, and you could come with us! And we have a tour that goes to the states in September, you could go home then!” he says.

“Niall, I don’t want you to have to worry about me.” I say, looking into my lap.“I don’t want to go home, but I think that with the current circumstances, it’s best I go back.” “No, Ava. I need you to stay.” He says, pretty seriously. Why would he need me to stay? “You can come on tour, I’ll work it out with management. Just please stay here. I finally found you, I don’t want to lose you.” His voice cracks while he is speaking. I look up to see him crying.

His face is perfect, I don’t ever want to see him cry again, especially not over me. He sees the sad look on my face, my reaction from seeing him crying, and quickly wipes the tears away. “Sorry.” He mumbles. “No, its fine.” I say quietly. I quickly kiss him on the cheek, it almost is involuntary. “I’ll talk to my dad and arrange to stay for the whole summer.” I say, and he gets a hopeful look on his face.

“I think I should move out of my suite though, it’s so expensive!” I say, laughing to lighten the mood. “Stay in my room.” he says, grinning and looking me straight in the eyes. “I’ll talk to my dad Niall…” I say, smiling back at him.

**A/N** hey! sorry i didnt upload yesterday ): i had writers block. i'm going to try to write a lot today to have a longer chapter tomorrow. thanks for reading! (:


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