Chapter 2

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  Finally, when the plane lands, IM IN ENGLAND! I’m so excited for this summer. I’m one of the first people off of the plane; I get my bags together and rush off, ahead of the other passengers. I sit in one of the seats in the terminal and call my mother. I click on her name and click ‘Call’. “Hello?” she says, tiredness evident in her voice. “Hey mom! IM HERE!!!” I say excitedly. “Ok Ava, I’m glad you’re happy that you’re there but you do realize that its 1 A.M. here, you don’t have to yell.” “Oh, sorry Mom!” I say. I continue to tell her how my flight was and quickly end the call so she can get back to bed. I look up from my phone to see a huge crowd forming around someone or something. There are bursts of flashes as paparazzi snap photos, and the sounds of screaming girls coming from across the terminal.

“Great,” I think to myself. “Probably just some celebrity”. I’m annoyed, yet interested in what is going on so I get up from where I am sitting and walk a bit closer to see who it is. I see a flash of blonde hair amidst the crowd and continue to stare over at the commotion. Then, suddenly I lock eyes with the blonde boy. He’s cute, really cute, but there is something strangely familiar about him. He continues to stare right at me, the look on his face seeming like he’s analyzing me or something. I’m doing the same and notice that he has the most beautiful clear blue eyes. Realizing that I probably look like a complete weirdo staring at this kid, I quickly look away. I turn to walk the opposite way of the commotion and make my way through the crowd, weaving through people to get to the Baggage Claim.

When I get to the Baggage Claim, I know it’s going to be an interesting task to locate my bags, and then and even more difficult task to get them off of the moving conveyor belt. Sighing deeply and mumbling some profanity to myself, I walk up the massive group of people that is already formed around it. I’m not a very assertive person, but I’m tired as frick and need to get my bags and get to my hotel so I can take a nap. I try my best to push through the people and get to the front of the crowd. I hear a few people say: “Little Bugger”, “Who does she think she is?!”, and “EXCUSE YOU!” as I push through the crowd. Completely ignoring the comments, I stand right next to the moving line of suitcases, looking for my bags. You’d think that having hot pink suitcases would make them easier to spot, but it doesn’t make much of a difference. When I finally spot one of my suitcases, I reach for it and start to pull at it, forgetting how heavy it is. Being as weak as  I am, I can’t grab it quick enough and it continues around the circle moving further and further away from me.

“shit.” I say to myself, getting really frustrated. Suddenly I hear laughing behind me and it sounds like it’s directed at me.”You look like you could use a bit of help there, love”. The voice says in an Irish accent. I immediately become furious and turn around to see what douche bag thought it was hilarious that I couldn’t get my bag.

When I turn around, I’m not prepared for who is the source of the laughter. It’s the blonde boy from the terminal. He’s wearing a grey UCLA crewneck, matching navy sweatpants, and white Supras. My frustration goes away and shock washes over my face. My eyes widen as I look at him, he realizes who I am and the same look appears on his face. We stare at each other for about five seconds before I decide to say something to break the awkwardness. “I’m glad you find it so amusing that I couldn’t grab my bag” I say with sarcasm in my voice. I narrow my eyes and look at him right in the eyes, annoyed, waiting for his response. He just continues to stare at me, a dazed look on his face. “Ok then…Not much of a talker, are we?” I say. I turn around to attempt grabbing my bag for the second time.

“Uhhh...I’m Niall!” I suddenly hear from behind me. I turn around to confront the blonde boy, well Niall, again. “I’m Ava.” I say blankly. “Hmm...Niall, Niall…Irish accent..Niall..NIALL!” I think to myself. I realize why he looks so familiar. He’s Niall, from…One Direction!! “Greaaat,” I think, “The guy that I thought was so cute is from One Direction. Honestly?!” Breaking the silence, he speaks up. “Soo, uhh...It’s nice to meet you.” He says. “Yeah, same to you.” I say, in a monotone voice, still in shock that I thought he was cute, when he’s apart of One Direction, the boy band that I think are all stuck up douche bags. “Well, I have to find my suitcases and get going,” I say quickly. “See ya. Well, probably not. So, uhh.. Bye.” I say, quickly turning around. “Well, that wasn’t awkward at all.” I think to myself as my eyes scan over the suitcases moving down the line. “You sure you don’t need any help?” he says from behind me. “Yep, I’m sure.” I say, feeling slightly bad about the harsh tone of my voice. “Ok…” he says.

“Now that that’s over with, let’s get these bags then.” I mumble to myself. 20 minutes, 1 pulled muscle, and an unnecessary amount of sweat later, I have both of my bags. I head out of the airport to look for the car my parents arranged to pick me up. Once I see someone holding a sign saying “Ava Crawford” I walk over to them, struggling with my bags, and get into the black Range Rover. The ride to the hotel is amazing, but for some reason I can’t get Niall out of my head. There was something about him that I was naturally drawn to. It seemed almost as if he felt the same way about me, but I highly doubted it. I decide to shake the feelings and take in the beautiful city. As we drive, I see all of London. I recognize the London Eye and Big Ben straight away. As we’re crossing the London Bridge my excitement is bubbling inside for this trip.

When I arrive at the hotel, I attempt to take in how gorgeous it is. The front has a staircase leading up to the door and tons of windows in a half circle shape of the front. I get out of the car and a bellhop helps me get my bags out and onto a car. As we walk inside to a massive, open lobby, I head over to the front desk to get checked in. “Hello! Welcome to the Royal Garden Hotel of London!” A woman says with a very peppy British accent. “Hi, thank you.” I say back to her. Once I’m checked in, I grab my room key and the bellhop follows me with my bags to the elevator. The woman at the front desk says that my room is on the 16th floor, but the elevator only goes to the 14th. Confused, I ask the bellhop and he says I have to insert my key and the elevator will take me to my floor. “I thought I just have a normal hotel room?”I think to myself. I’m completely wrong about that though, because when the elevators open, I’m in my room.

My parents had booked me, Mads, and Gabby the Penthouse Suite. It took up almost half of the floor! Trying to hide my excitement and act like I’ve seen something as amazing as this before, I thank and tip the bellhop as he sets my bags in the room. I walk through the suite, appalled at its beauty. It’s amazing! It has two separate bedrooms with King sized beds, its own kitchen area, and a living room area. It also has a desk area and floor to ceiling windows overlooking Hyde Park and the London skyline. In both of the rooms, there are massive flat screen T.V.’s mounted in the wall that is made of super sleek looking brown wood. As I walk into the master bedroom to set my bags down, I notice that it has its own sitting area on the side, with two small steps that raise the floor up towards the windows. It also has a glass door that leads out onto a balcony overlooking the park. I squeal with excitement and cannot wait for my friends to get here! I drag my suitcases through the suite and into the master bedroom. Then, I decide to go see what the kitchen has to offer, I’m starving.

I open up the fridge to see that it is fully stocked. There are rows of Vitamin Water, Starbucks Frappacinos in every flavor, Evian Water, and different types of European sodas. There is a bowl of candy on the table with things like Moams and Wispa and Galaxy bars in it. I grab a couple Moams from the bowl and an Evian water from the fridge and walk back to my room. After having my sack, I decide I should take a nap. I change into some yoga pants and a Harvard crewneck and lie down on the huge King sized bed.

I wake up to the sound of screaming girls coming from outside. “What the fuuuck...” I mumble and walk over to the window to see what’s going on outside. As I look down onto the street my eyes widen. There is a HUGE crowd of hundreds of girls in the street, looking straight up to my room. 


hey! It's been a pretty rough couple of days for me but, as promised, this is my second time uploading this week. If you're reading this, please leave me a comment! i really want to know what i could do better for this story! ill try to upload again this weekend maybee? :D both of my feet are asleep currently...pleasant. haha, so i hope you enjoyed this chapter, its a bit short, but like i said, i'll TRY to upload sometime this weekend.


-ashley x

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