Chapter 19

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After working things out with Niall, I send him back to his suite so I can call my dad and figure out a way for me to stay in England.

 After arguing with my dad for about an hour on the phone, I finally convince him to let me stay in England. He was a bit wary about me staying with a boy I had just met, but I convinced him that Niall would take care of me.

We arranged for me to move out of my suite, and into Niall's. Which should be interesting… Then I will travel around with them when I can, and return home in September when they go to the states on tour. I decide I should probably go tell Niall the verdict after I’ve been on the phone with my dad for so long.

Still clad in his Ireland hoodie and sweatpants, I head into the elevator and down to their room. When I get into their suite its silent, surprisingly. I make my way through the hallway to Niall’s room. As I approach his room, I hear him strumming on his guitar and singing.

 “If you’ll be mine, won’t goooo, won’t gooooo…” I interrupt him by knocking lightly on the door. “Ava?” he calls out. Instead of answering, I open the door slowly. When he sees that it’s me, he sets his guitar beside him on his bed. “What did your dad say?” he asks, starting to bite his nails, a hopeful but nervous look on his face.

 A smile forms on my face as I reply to him. “He said yes!” I say, excited. “Yes!” Niall yells a bit too loud, getting up off of the bed and pulling me into his arms before spinning us around. “Hey now, is this a sappy love movie or something?” I ask jokingly.

“Sorry.” He says laughing and setting me down. “I’m so happy you get to stay.” He says grinning and quickly kissing me on the forehead. I feel my cheeks start to heat up.

“My dad had a few conditions though,” I say. “He’s expecting you to ‘take care’ or me.” I say, using air quotes. “Oh yeah definitely, of course.” He says, his face serious. He grabs my hands and starts playing with my fingers, intertwining mine with his and tracing designs lightly on my wrist.“I’ll make sure you have anything you need.” He is literally perfection.

 “I’m also moving out of my suite cause its crazy expensive. It’s ok if I stay here, right?” I ask him. “Of course!! The boys will definitely love it, having a gorgeous girl staying in our room.” he says, grinning. I feel my cheeks start to heat up again, but I’m still confused about the state of our relationship. I just put it past me and focus on the present.

 “Thanks Niall. For everything. I’m really happy I get to stay here and explore the city I’ve always wanted to visit.” I say. He gets a sad look on his face, and then I remember I’m staying here for him too. “And of course I get to stay here and hang out with you and the boys!” I say excitedly.

 “Woooo!” he says, pulling me in for another hug. I pull away from him and look him straight in the eyes. “What?” he asks, raising one eyebrow. He’s so adorable! “I’m just happy I get to see those eyes everyday for another couple months.” I say, genuinely.

 “Are you kidding love, I’m the one lucky enough to get to see your gorgeous face every day.” He says grinning at me. I smile back at him, mesmerized by his eyes. “Let’s go back to your room so you can get dressed.” He says, standing up. “We can go grab lunch and do a bit of shopping to celebrate.” “Plus we can make up for what we were supposed to do yesterday before I got bad at you.” I say laughing and smiling at him.

 “Sounds good love.” He says, grabbing my hand and leading me out of his room.

**A/N** HEY GUYSS! legit so sorry i havent updated in a while. i'm back at school from break and i've been super busy with a crime and punishment paper & project for advanaced world lit. wooo. haha, so yeah that was just a short little chapter. i'll upload longer ones once i have more time to write. this short little thing took me 4 days to write! 4 DAYS! that just shows how busy i've been and that i have barely had any time to write. but yeah i'll try to upload more and upload longer chapters. THANKS FOR READING LOVELIES (: comment and let me know what you're thinking so far!


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