That Summer (A Niall Horan Fanfic)

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I woke up overcome with fatigue, and then I realized that today was the day I was leaving for England! It was the summer after high school and I had just graduated. Me and my friends Gabriella and Madison decided to go on a trip together to England. We are all obsessed with all things British. Mads is basically addicted to Dr.Who and Sherlock, and Gabby and I practically worship British Youtubers and a South African Slut ;). Mads and Gabby are my best friends and have been since kindergarten. Mads has curly strawberry blonde hair and brown eyes, and Gabby has long curly chocolate brown hair and green eyes. Enough about them! The plan is for us to all meet in London at the Royal Garden Hotel. We plan on “partying it up” as a farewell to high school and a hello to college.

Gabby and Mads are flying in 3 days after I get there together because they have to finish up with college preparations. This means I’ll be by myself for three whole days in a foreign country, no big deal right?! I’ll be able to handle it. “Ava!!! Hurry up!! You have to leave in like 45 minutes to get to the airport on time!!” my sister Aria screams from her room down the hall. Me and her are pretty much twins, except she’s two years younger and a bit skinnier than I am. “Yeah Ari, I know!!” I reply. She can be so annoying sometimes! I pick up my white iPhone 5 from the table on the side of my bed, and click the lock button to check the time. Its 7:06 A.M. My flight leaves from the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta Airport at 11 A.M. “I have PLENTY of time Ari! It’s only like 7!” I yell back to my sister. “Whatever you say! Mom told me to make sure you aren’t late!” she says, “I can handle myself, I’m almost 18 GOSH!!” I yell back. My parents worry too much.

I peel my blanket off of myself and do one of those orgasmic morning stretches. My room is dark pink with white and black accents. Across from my bed I have a 42 inch Samsung Flat screen mounted on my wall. To the right of my bed are floor to ceiling windows taking up that whole side of my room that look out onto the lake in our backyard. To the left of my bed is my en suite bathroom, my closet, and my desk area.

I look around my room squinting, remembering that I didn’t put in my contacts yet. Not even bothering to take the time to put them in, I grab my black, square-framed Ray Ban glasses off my side table. I shuffle over to my bathroom to get ready. I turn on the light and prepare myself for the worst as I look into the mirror. My mascara is smeared around my eyes so I practically look like a raccoon, and my hair is in a way too messy, messy bun. I sigh deeply and take down my hair, brush through the tangles, then pull it back again. I take off my glasses and proceed to wash my face. Once all of the mascara is off, I dry my face and reapply BUXOM mascara to my lashes. I grab my Clinique powder in Stay Honey and quickly brush a minimal amount across my face. It is the perfect color to match my caramel colored skin. Then I put my glasses back on. Grabbing my summer fruit EOS off of my bathroom counter, I glide some across my full lips. That’s about it for my morning make up routine. I really hate wearing a lot of makeup. I feel like it just hides girl’s natural beauty. I tell that to my sister Aria all the time but she doesn’t seem to want to listen. She just piles on the eyeliner and mascara.

I click the lock button on my phone again and see that its 7:28. I shuffle out of the bathroom and walk into my closet to decide what to wear. I decide on some dark wash American Eagle skinny jeans, a white chiffon shirt, and some tan Oxfords. I pile my hair on top of my head into a messy bun and check myself in the mirror. Once I think I look decent I slip my phone into my pocket, and drag my two giant hot pink suitcases down our huge staircase and set them in the foyer.

Our house is quite large. We have a theatre, a game room, and a huge kitchen with an open range stove. In the back yard, we have a heated pool with a small waterfall. My parents worked very hard for their money though. My mother, Ashley, is an OB/GYN and spends her days delivering babies and my father, Blaine, is a lawyer. I’m very grateful for everything they have accomplished and the lifestyle they have provided for me and my siblings.

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