Chapter 4

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“Wow, word travels fast.” I think to myself. As we all start to pile out of the car, I see that Niall is still sitting in the front. “Sit where Liam was sitting and I’ll open your door and get you out.” He says. I do what he said and move up to Liam’s seat.

Once the rest of the boys are out of the car, he gets out of the passenger seat and opens my door to let me out. When I get out, he hands me a random blazer to put over my head so the paps don’t take pictures of me. He then grabs my hand and pulls me through the crowd of paps and into the restaurant. “Thanks.” I say smiling when we finally make it in. “No problem.” He says, smiling back. We make our way to the table where the rest of the boys are already sitting, the restaurant is gorgeous.

When we approach the table and sit down, I realize that harry isn’t wearing a blazer. Realizing that the blazer I’m holding is Harry's, I hand it back to him with an annoyed look on my face. He smiles and winks at me, taking it back. I take my seat next to Zayn and Niall sits next to me. Across the table from me is Harry, across from Zayn is Liam and next to Harry and across from Niall is Louis. When we’re settled our server comes to take our order. She immediately recognizes them as one direction and is super flirty while she’s taking their orders. “Hey boys, what will you be having this evening?” She says, very seductively. "Is she kidding?!" i think to myself.

I look at Harry across from me to see him cheekily smiling at this whore. She takes the boys’ orders and when she gets to me, her tone of voice completely changes and is super rude while taking my order. When she walks away after taking my order, my eyes widen. “What a bitch...” I say, looking down into my lap. “Did you guys hear how she spoke to me?! Like honestly what did I do to her?!” I say, looking up at them to see their reaction to what I was saying.

“She’s just jealous of you because you’re with us.” Liam says plainly. “Are you kidding? Is that really why she was acting like that towards me?!” I say back to him. “Yeah, most likely. Don’t let it get to you, love.” He says back. I cross my arms and sigh deeply looking into my lap. “I can’t believe that hanging out with them is causing me to be hated by strangers.” I think to myself. Catching me off guard, Niall gently puts his hand on my leg. I jump in my seat at his touch and he immediately takes his hand off of my leg.

“Sorry.” He says quickly, his face turning bright red. “Great.” I think to myself “he’sgoing to think I’m a complete weirdo after I freaked out over that. “No I’m sorry.”  I say quietly to him, “I just over reacted.” I reach under the table with my right hand and grab his left hand, lacing my fingers in between his. I then set our hands together on my leg. I see his face start to turn red and I look over at the rest of the boys and try to join into their conversation.

Louis and Liam are arguing about who would win a fight, Batman or the Joker. “Typical boy talk.” I think to myself. “Oh come on Louis, clearly Batman would win!” Liam says. “Liam, be real, the Joker always wins!” Louis says back to him. Harry and Zayn start to discuss what they think about Ed Sheeran’s newest album. Once I figure that I shouldn’t disturb their conversations, I turn in my chair to face Niall, releasing his hand. “So this singing party tonight...” I say to him. “I think it will be loads of fun, I can play guitar and we can all just sing together like old times with the lads.” Niall says back to me.

“Yeah, I guess it will be fun.” I say, smiling at the thought of him playing guitar. I’ve always been a sucker for a guy who can play guitar. “Why? Are you nervous or something?” He asks, noticing that I’m starting to bite my nails, something I always do when I’m nervous. “Yeah, kinda.” I say, looking down into my lap. “I don’t really like singing in front of people. It’s silly, I know.” I say. “No its not, a lot of people get stage fright. It’s easy to get over it. But I’m not gonna lie, even I still get a bit nervous before a performance, but once you start singing, it all goes away. Don’t worry; I’m sure you’re amazing!” He says, grinning at me. “Thanks, that made me feel a lot better.” I say to him.

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