Chapter 6

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I wake up the next morning forgetting where I am. Then I remember that I’m in London, and I’m in Niall’s bed. I smile at the thought of him before looking over to see that he’s not lying next to me. “Wait…Where even is Niall?” I think to myself.

I peel the blanket off of me and get out of the huge bed. I walk over to the window in his room and see that it is cloudy and rainy, typical London weather. I grab my phone from the table on the side of Niall’s bed. I unlock it and see that it’s only 9 A.M. I can’t believe I’m up this early after not going to bed until like 2! Since I’m definitely not able to fall back asleep, I decide to go and find Niall.

I walk out of his room and out into the boys’ suite. I smell someone cooking breakfast, and walk over to the kitchen, hoping its Niall. When I enter the kitchen, I see that it’s Harry that is cooking. He looks up and stares at me, a grin spreading across his face. “Wow, you look hot, Ava.” He says. I look down, realizing that I’m still wearing Niall’s boxers and t shirt.

“Too bad you slept in Niall’s bed last night instead of mine.” He says, winking at me. “Get over yourself, Harry.” I say to him, rolling my eyes. “Do you know where Niall is?” I ask him. “Nope, haven’t seen him yet this morning.” He says. “Ok, well I’m gonna go to my room and get changed, I’ll see you later maybe.” I say to him. “K see ya babe!”He says. As I get up and turn around to walk back to Niall’s room to get my stuff, Harry speaks up. “Nice bum, babe!” he says. I quickly pull down the t shirt, realizing that I’m only wearing Niall’s white boxers. “Ugh, grow up!” I say laughing as I walk to Niall’s room.

When I get into Niall’s room, I quickly grab my dress, shoes, and clutch before walking over to the elevator to go to my room. I enter the elevator and take it up to my floor. When the elevator opens on my floor, I walk out and into my suite. I walk into the master bedroom and throw my dress and shoes on my bed. I decide to take a shower and get dressed. Once I’m done in the shower, I blow dry and re-straighten my hair. Then I put on my Harvard crewneck and yoga pants to wear before I decide what I’m wearing for the day. I sit on my bed and turn on the T.V. to check the weather, something I always do before picking out my outfit for the day.

It’s clearly cloudy and rainy outside but it could pass, so I check just in case. As I’m watching the weather, I hear my phone buzzing on the bathroom counter. I quickly jump up to get it and don’t recognize the number, I answer it anyways. “Hello?” I say. “Ava! Where are you?” a familiar Irish accent says through the phone. “Oh, it’s you. Hey Niall.” I say smiling. “I’m in my room; I came here to get dressed. When I woke up, you weren’t there, so I just decided to come back here.” “Oh! Ok, sorry, I went to get us breakfast!” he says, I can hear him smiling through the phone. “Ok, well why don’t you bring it up to my room and we can eat it together?” I suggest. “Ok, love. I’ll be up in like 2 minutes!” he says. “Ok, I’ll see you soon then! Bye Ni!” I say “Ok, bye.” He says.

 I tap my finger on the screen to end the call. It’s so cute that he went and got us breakfast! Why can’t American guys be that adorable? I go into the bathroom to look at myself before Niall comes. I pull my hair back into a high ponytail before I decide what I’m going to do with it. After I pull it back, I slide a Lululemon headband onto my head. As I’m putting my glasses on, I hear the “Ding!” of the elevator bell coming from the other side of the suite. I quickly dig my UGG’s out from my suitcase and slip them on before walking out of my room to see Niall.

“Ava?” he says. “I’m here with breakfast.” “K I’m coming!” I yell through the suite. I make my way through the suite to the kitchen and see him there holding a paper bag and a drink holder from Starbucks. He looks amazing, wearing sweatpants, a white t shirt, and a grey zip up hoodie. When I see him, his face lights up. I too feel like I’m just seeing him for the first time. And those eyes, they’re gorgeous.

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