Chapter 14

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Surprisingly I don’t run into any fans on the way back. Well, at least none recognize me. When I finally reach the hotel, I hurry inside and get into the elevator to head up to my room. While I’m in the elevator to my floor, I get a text from my mom.

Mom: can you call me on skype? I would like to talk to you.

 I think to myself before texting her back. Me: I’m not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing, but sure. I’ll call you in like 2 mins.

I lock my phone and walk into my room, setting the bags down on the kitchen table as I walk by it. I walk into the master bedroom to grab my Mac book before returning to the kitchen. I set my laptop down and quickly put the ice cream in the freezer so it doesn’t melt. I open my laptop and turn it on, then walk over to the huge windows to get a look at the city at night. Even though I can only see part of it, London is amazing. I wish I could live here some day.

The ringtone for an incoming Skype call interrupts me daydreaming. I guess mom couldn’t wait until I called. I click the icon to answer the call. “Hey mom!” I say, as her video loads. “Hey sweet heart! How are you?” she says with enthusiasm. “I’m great, just came back from dinner.” I say. “Oh, what did you have? Something British?” she asks, jokingly. “Uhh, yeah I guess you could call it that.” I say. “I went to a place called Nandos.” I say. “Ooohh, sounds European!” she says.

“It’s just chicken Mom.” I say laughing. I hear the ‘Ding!’ of the elevator and instantly feel happy, Niall’s back. “Hey Ava! Sorry I took so long! The car took a bit to get there and then we had to drive a different way to get back because of the fans.” He says from across the room.

“Who is that?!” my mom asks, getting curious. “It sounded like a boy!” I sigh deeply before responding to her. “Yeah mom, believe it or not, I hang out with boys sometimes!” I say, getting embarrassed. “Well, not just that he was a boy! He had an Irish accent!” she says, getting excited. She loves accents almost as much as I do.

I look over at Niall, who is raising an eyebrow, confused. I smile to myself at such a little thing about him that looks adorable. He didn’t know I was skyping someone so he was probably wondering where that voice came from. “Who are you talking to?” he asks, giggling to himself. He’s so cute!! He quickly walks over and sets his bags down before coming over to see what I’m doing.

“I’m just skyping my mom.”I say quickly to him, but he joins me in front of the laptop anyways. “Hellooooo!” he says, grinning. “Hello. Who are you? If you don’t mind me asking.” My mom asks, smiling. “I’m Niall! Nice to meet you, Mrs. Crawford!” he says, still excited. My mom turns to look at me. “Ava, why didn’t you tell me you met a boy?!” she asks, smiling at me.

“Mom! Don’t act like it’s such a big deal, I met him at the airport and he just happened to be staying at the same hotel as me.” I say. “I’ve been hanging out with him and his friends.” “Oh!!  You’re that boy Aria’s been going on about!” she says. Of course! Ari’s probably been telling everyone about Niall and the boys! “You’re in that boy band, New Directions!” “Mom, it’s One Direction.” I say, annoyed. Niall puts his arm around my waist out of view of the camera, sensing that I’m getting annoyed by her. I resist it at first, feeling like it’s too soon. Then I go with it, he’s too kind to me.

 “Well, I was close enough!” she says. “He’s cute too, Ava.” “Mom, he’s right next to me you know!” I remind her. “Thanks.” Niall says to her, grinning. I look at him and smile because his smile is just perfect, braces and all. “Mom, we’d better go, it’s getting late here.” I say to her, even though its only 9:30. “Ok beetle.” She says, using the embarrassing nickname she has for me. Niall giggles like a little kid when he hears that. I honestly have no idea what made her start calling me that.

“Call me or text me whenever. And I would like to see more of you Niall; you seem like a nice boy.” She says. “Thanks, ma’am.” He says, smiling and looking over at me. “Bye mom, I’ll talk to you soon.” I say to her before ending the video call. “Your Mom thinks I’m cute!” he says proudly, walking over to his bag of snacks. “Older women tend to love me.” “My Mom can be quite annoying at times, but she seemed to really like you.” I say, following him to the island, where he set his bags.

 “So what’s the plan for tonight?” he asks. “Uhh, maybe we could order a movie or something?”I suggest. “That sounds great! Any ideas?” he asks. “I don’t care, anything scary.” I say. “Ok, I’ll find something.” He says, walking over to the couch to search for something on the TV. I walk over to the freezer and grab a pint of ice cream and two spoons. “Did you find something?” I ask him from the kitchen. “Uh, yep!” he says.

 “Come on, I want some ice cream!” he says. I laugh to myself and walk over to the living room area. I toss Niall a spoon and sit down next to him on the couch, handing him the ice cream. “What movie did you choose?” I ask. “One of the paranormal activities.” He says.”Oooh! I love scary movies!” I say grinning. “If you get too scared, I’m here for you to cuddle with.” Niall says, winking at me. “Thanks Ni.” I say laughing and moving closer to him. We dig into the ice cream as the movie starts. 

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