Chapter 13

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When I finally stop crying, I check my phone. Only small sniffles come from me every once in a while and my breathing is uneven. It’s already 6 P.M. I also have 5 new text messages and one missed call.

 (5:06 P.M.)-Zayn: what’s up with nialler? He’s been crying in his room for the past hour. x <3-zayn

(5:08 P.M.)-Lou: did you and niall get in a fight? he’s crying in his room! x-louis

(5:14 P.M.)-Zayn: Liam said you and niall are dating! Did you two get in a fight or something?

 (5:14 P.M.)-Liam: u ok? i'm guessing you and niall got in a fight.-liam

(5:17 P.M.)-Harry: hey love, just wanted to make sure you were ok. Zayn said you and niall got in a fight. xxx-hazza

Niall was crying? That’s strange…. I check the missed call last, it was from Niall. He had just called me 4 minutes ago. I decide that I should speak to him so things aren’t awkward between us. Before calling him back I send a text back to all of the boys.

 Me: thanks for being concerned, guys. i’m ok. we aren’t dating. anymore. x

After I send the text to all of them, Niall immediately calls me again. I’m guessing one of them said they’d heard from me. “Hello.” I say sniffling, my breath uneven from crying. “Hey, love.” He says, his voice quiet and hoarse. He really does sound like he’s been crying. Why would he be crying? He didn’t even seem effected by our breakup

. “How are you?” He asks. “I’m fine.” I say quietly. “That’s good. Uh, I’m just calling to say that the lads aren’t going to the sea after all. And they were wondering if you wanted one of them to stay with you tonight in your suite?” he asks. “Uh, no I’ll be fine. But thanks anyways.” I say. “You sure? I don’t, I-I mean they wouldn’t want you to be there all night alone.” He says, correcting himself. “Yeah, I’m sure. My friends are supposed to be getting here tomorrow night anyways.” I say. “I won’t be alone then.”

 “Um, ok. You’re positive?” he asks. He clearly doesn’t want me staying here alone, but I really need some alone time. “Uh, yeah I’m sure.” I say to him. “Ok, well I hope you feel better about everything. Goodnight Ava.” He says. “I’ll try. Goodnight Niall.” I say before hanging up. After talking to him, I decide that I should do something and try to get my mind off of him. I decide to get out of my bed, get some dinner, and buy some junk food to have for comfort.

 I take off my scrubby outfit I’ve been laying in all day and quickly change into something casual. I pull on some black leggings and put my uggs back on. I decide to leave Liam’s crewneck on. I pull my hair out of my high bun and leave it down messily. I also decide to leave my glasses on, who am I trying to impress? I grab my wallet and my phone and walk over to the elevator and take it downstairs. When I get into the lobby I see that there are tons of fans still outside of the hotel. Do they honestly stay there all the time?

I realize that I don’t have a secret back way to leave the hotel. I probably look sooo ratchet right now… I think, laughing to myself. My appearance is really the last thing I’m worried about, so I walk through the doors and through the crowd of fans. “Hey! Isn’t that the girl that Niall was walking into the restaurant with?!” Some girl yells. I cringe, not wanting to be noticed. “Yeah! What a SLAG!” Another one yells at me. I have no idea what a slag is but it sounds mean. “EW AND SHE’S WEARING LIAM’S JUMPER!!” another says.

 I ignore them and continue walking until I get out onto the street. I decide to quickly text Lou to find out what a slag is. Me: hey, what’s a slag?

That Summer (A Niall Horan Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang