Chapter 9

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“Ava??” Niall’s voice says from…above of me? I sigh, remembering that I’m in Liam’s bed. With

Liam. “This is gonna look really bad.” I think to myself. I open my eyes and sit up in Liam’s bed. I still haven’t responded to Niall. “Liam, what is my girlfriend doing in your bed?!” Niall asks, his voice getting louder.

“Your girlfriend?” Liam asks confused, sitting up too. “This is gonna get interesting.” I think to myself, getting annoyed. “Yes, MY girlfriend.” Niall says. “We weren’t doing anything. We talked and then we fell asleep.” Liam says plainly. “Oh

really?” Niall says sarcastically. “I find that hard to believe.” He has no right to treat Liam that way when he did absolutely nothing wrong. I’ve had it with Niall.

“He’s telling the truth! God Niall, CALM DOWN!” I yell at him. I get up out of Liam’s bed and storm out of the room. “Ava!!” He yells after me. I completely ignore him and storm into the elevator, punching the button for my floor. I don’t even

want to deal with Niall right now. First he basically tells me that we’re broken up, and then he gets mad at me for taking a nap in Liam’s bed!

When the elevator gets to my floor I stomp out of it, hoping that he will hear me from their room. Immediately, my phone rings. Ignore. My phone rings again. Ignore again. When my phone rings for the third time, I turn it off and throw it on my

bed. Right after that, my room phone rings. “YOU’VE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!” I yell to myself.

“What?!” I yell into the phone. “Ava, I’m so sorry for getting upset! Please forgive me! Why did you just storm out?” He says. “Are you honestly asking me this?!” I scream into the phone before slamming it down, hanging up on him. He calls

back almost immediately. “Niall, stop calling. I don’t want to talk to you right now.” I say, as calmly as possible. “Please just talk to me!” he says. “You’re the last person I want to talk to right now.” I say coldly. That shuts him up.

 **A/N** its getting intense!!! haha this is just a short filler chapter. will update more tonight possibly? otherwise tomorrow!!

au revoir (:


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