Am I Crazy?

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It has been almost three hours since I am silently working inside Mr. Jeon's office. My bratty boss is still in his deep sleep in his sofa. From time to time I keep checking on him if he is still breathing. Okay I know I am exagggerating. I am about to finish the final draft of the report I need to send to the accounting department when I saw stir in his sleep and groaned.

"W-why did you left me Babe?" He murmured over and over. He's dreaming. I look over and saw a lone tear from his eyes. He is sweating all over and he looks pale. I sightly tapped his cheek to wake him up.

"Mr. Jeon! Wake up. You're dreaming." He slowly opened his eyes, for a moment he is disoriented.

"Ms. Jung? What are you doing here?" He tried to sit up but fall back in feeling dizzy for a while.

"I am working in your office while baby sitting you Sir." I answered and I saw him smile. He is remembering now.

"Uhhh okay. Will you please give me a glass of cold water?" I nodded and went to his water dispenser and got a glass of warm water instead.

"Yah! Didn't I say a glass of COLD water?" He said evidently annoyed.

"I hear you loud and clear Mr. Jeon but nope, SICK people should not be drimking cold water."

"Tcch. Are you my mother?!"

"Nope. I am way too young to be your mother and another nope because I don't want to be a mother of a brat like you." I know that I should not be talkinh like this to my employer but as of now I don't see him as one. I see him as a sick child who is being difficult and just having a fit of tantrums.

"I don't want to be a son to nagger like you either." He spat and pouted.

"Good. Now drink and I suggest you to go home early and rest." I turned my back to him and continued working. I only have less than two hours left before I can go home.


I couldn't refrain myself from glancing at her from time to time. She is in full concentration. Ms. Jung is really something, I must admit. She can be sweet and lovely and at the same time assertive and bossy. I will not going to deny this anymore. I want her to be my friend. Besides, I know I will be needing her help reagrding Jungwoon. The reason why I'm sick today is becauseI stayed up late at night when Jungwoon threw a fit when he woke up without his mommy by his side. I had a hard time calming him down. He calmed down when I told him I am bringing Yerin tonight. That thought made me really sick. How in hell could I ask her to do it every night?! Now that I am reminded of it again I groaned as I run my hand through my hair.

"Are you okay Mr. Jeon? I really think you need to go to the clinic." She voiced her concern.

"No need. Hmmm Yerin-ssi, can you please come here for a moment?" I sensed her coming towards me. I am still holding my head while closing my eyes.

"Sir Jeon?"

"Sit down please. This is important. I need you to listen carefully then think about it." I finally look at her. She seems uneasy.

"O-okay. I'm all ears."

"I know this is not a part of your work but Yerin will you please visit our house every night?"

"What?!!" She half yelled.

"I'll pay extra for it. Please Yerin. Jungwoon needs you. The reason why I am like this today is because Jungwoon threw a fit last night. No matter how much I tell him you are not his mommy he won't listen." I said almost begging her.

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