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I woke up earlier than Jungkook who is still lying on his stomach snoring softly. I gently trace the outline of his face knowing this will be the last time I could get this close with him. Tonight we will be going back to Korea. Things will become different  by then. I will help them with Jungwoon first and then I will exit from their lives. The thought sent sadness in my heart, so before I could wallow in pain again, I quickly got off the bed and showered. I started packing all my belongings. After I finished mine, I started folding some of his clothes in the closet. I have to busy myself with anything to keep my mind off from the heartbreak. When I finished everything, I got myself a cup of coffee and decided to sit down in the love seat in the terrace.

I am thinking many different things while drinking my coffee when my phone rings.

Cha Eunwoo calling...

"Hello, Eunwoo-ssi." I greeted him.

"Yes Yerin..good morning. Just want to ask what time should I pick you up?"

"I don't know. It's up to you."

"How about before lunch? So we can have our lunch together." He said over the phone.

"Sounds good to me then."

"How about Mr. Jeon and Lisa-ssi?" He added.

"I don't know with them. Maybe we will just go ahead so that they can have time for themselves." I said because as much as I love him, I don't want to hurt myself seeing them together.

"You're right. Besides I want to have solo moments with you too." I just laughed knowing he is not serious in his flirtings. I like Eunwoo only as a friend.

"Okay see you then." I stated and we talked for a while before he excused himself because he still need to do something.

I went back to thinking about how I ended up being this broken. I only have two boyfriends and none of the two broke me this bad. I sighed.

I woke up and started reaching for Yerin only to find her space empty. I immediately opened my eyes and searched for her.

Did she already gone out with Eunwoo?

I instantly feel annoyed by the thought. I got off the bed and checked the shower and the kitchen, she wasn't there. I instantly feel the emptiness without her. When i rounded the terrace, I saw her. I went to her direction.

"A penny for your thought Ms. Yerin?" She turned her head, a little shocked.

"H-hi. Good morning. Want some coffee?" She smiled and offered.

"No thanks." I refused.

"Okay. Have you brought gifts for Jungwoon already?" She asked while taking a sip.


"Jungkook, when are you planning to let him and Lisa meet?"

"I don't know Yerin. I am not sure how he would react to Lisa." Now that this topic has been talked about, I just realized that I haven't given it so much thought.

"You should bring Lisa with you to Korea Jungkook. You should not waste time. Woonie's birthday is only three weeks from now. He and Lisa should have bonded brfore his birthday." She advised.

"Can you help me with it Yerin? You seem to know how to handle Woonie better than I do. Please Yerin." I begged her.

"Okay. I can do that. Let's do it for Jungwoon." I am so grateful for her.

"Thank you Yerin."

"No problem. Anyway, Eunwoo's picking me up later." My mood instantly changed upon the mention of his name.

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