Going Back to the Start

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The world seems to stop spinning when I saw the woman who owned my life for the past five years standing in the same place I am standing in.

She has the same smile like she had years back when we are still together. We were standing, motionless and speechless. I cannot believe that the moment I always imagine has finally  come. She is here, within my reach. She too was just staring at me, eyes full of indescribable emotions. When I took some courage to avert my eyes from hers and check her from head to toe marveling at the dreamlike scene, I notice the dress she's wearing. Finally, I was awoken from this freezing moment.

Yerin. The dress Lisa is wearing is the same dress I bought for Yerin to match mine. So this was what she meant awhile ago. I turned to look at Yerin's direction only to find that she wasn't there anymore.

"Yerin?!" I exclaimed and was about to look for her when Lisa spoke.

"Jungkook-ah, she just left a while ago." She started and approached me slowly.

"W-what are you doing here?" I finally decided to talk to her, coldly. In as much as I dreamed for this moment, I can't help but still recall the pain she had caused me.

"C-can we talk?" She said sadly.

"Why now? You could have done that few years ago. Why now Lisa?"

I clenched my jaw. I felt her stand inches from me. We stayed silent for a moment. We just stared at the night time view below the Tokyo Tower.

"I'm sorry." She started. I laughed.

"Ha! You left with those words, years later, you came back using the same words again. You better improve your vocabulary again Lisa."

"I'm sorry. I will not be tired of saying sorry again and again. I was a fool. I cannot forgive myself for the pain I caused you and our son."

"Our son? No. She was never yours. You lost the previlege the moment you chose to leave."

I finally faced her. She was now sobbing. Her painful cries tugged my heart. All these times, I was still the same Jungkook. The Jungkook who can't take seeing Lisa cry.

"I grew up being given everything I wanted. Never in my entire life did I beg for something or someone. But this time, I will beg you..Jeon Jungkook can I have you and Jungwoon back in my life?"

She sobbed. Her plea sends shiver down my spine. How many times
have I prayed about this moment? And now, here it is. I should be ecstatic right? But, but why do I feel a doubt? It seems that something's feel odd.

"Jungkook please. I-i heard from Yerin unnie that Jungwoon wants to have a complete family? Can we give him that? This time I promise to stay."

Yerin? So this is what she meant about everything she told me. She did all of these. This is what she meant in saying she will help me and Jungwoon have the happy ending we deserved. And I remembered promising her that I will find my happiness. So, perhaps, being able to give my son a complete family is where my happiness right?

I looked at Lisa, she is still beautiful. She still is kind, soft spoken, smart and elegant. The same woman who owned my heart years ago, but was I the same Jungkook who loved her?

"I-i don't know yet. Can we start as friends first and let's see where this road take us?"

"Y-yes, if it's what you want." She smiled which made me smile too.

"Hmmm can I ask you what happened and what made you decide to leave us?" I said, this time gently.

"Yes. I owe you one hell of an explanation. Where should I start then?"

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