Chapter 2: The Deadly Rose

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-The deadly rose-


"hello everyone, I'm happy to announce that we have landed safely in the London airport. Please stay seated until we've come to a complete stop"

I woke up at the sound coming from the microphone. I looked out the window and noticed it's was starting to darken outside. Finally, the plane came to a stop. I slowly got up and stared making my way out. Once I was out I picked up my suitcases and walked around the airport for a while. I was getting hungry so I stopped at a burger king inside the airport and ate.

After and hour or so I went to the waiting area and waited for the person who was suppose to pick me up and take me to the hotel where I would be staying. I decided to take my iPod touch out and just listen to music. It was playing Niki FM by Hawthorne Heights. I kicked back and waited.

Damn! How long does it take for someone to pick you up? I got up and started scanning around until finally my eyes landed on a man with a big white sign with black letters that read 'Alexandria Blake'

I picked up my stuff and headed towards the guy with the sign.

"hello, I'm Alexandria Blake" I smiled and stuck my hand out for a hand shake

"well hello miss. Blake I'm Adam I shall be escorting you to your hotel where you will be staying" he didn't smile instead be held a serious face but he did shake my hand.

"ok well um shall we go?" I asked.

"yes, follow me miss. Blake"

When we got to the car he immediately put my bags in the trunk and I just sat in the back seat looking out the window as we drove off. The drive was silent, which was ok with me I didn't care. London looked like a beautiful place, people were out walking hand in hand as the couples they were. It reminded me of Josh. I shook it off when we came to a stop in front of a really beautiful building that read 'The Deadly Rose Hotel' whoa talk about names for hotels around here. I must admit that the name was very clever.

Adam came around and opened the door for me. "we have arrived miss. Blake" I stepped out and inhaled the London air. Fresh and moist, perfect weather.

"thank you very much mr. Adam. Um how much will it be for the car ride?"

"oh don't worry everything is already paid in advance, even your hotel room miss. Blake"

"what? Really! That's freakin' awesome yo!"

"certainly. Would you like some help taking these bags up to your sweet?"

"oh no thanks. I can take it from here" I smiled and said goodbye as I picked up my bags and headed towards the check-in counter.

"hello, I'm Alexandria Blake and I'm here to check in" I said to the lady with beach blond hair who was wearing a short black strapless dress that nearly covered her butt and cleavage. Gesh Is that how London women dress? Anyways I'd have to admit and say that she look very beautiful.

"ah yes! Alexandria Blake we've been expecting you here" she said with excitement in her voice.

I smiled politely, "oh, really? I've been expected here?"

"of course silly, your registered to stay here duh" she said right away as if though she was trying to cover something.

"sweet. Well may I get my room key please?"

"here ya go Hun" she said as she handed me a golden key. "elevator is right there"

"thank you." I smiled and walked away with my bags towards the elevator. I pushed the green button and got inside. I read my paper and it said I'd be staying in the 5th floor. Here we go then.

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