Chapter 5: Did you hear about the dance?

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Chapter 5: Did you hear about the dance?

Once we entered Study Hall we went and sat down on the circled table. I sat in between Gabriel and Damon while Sam and Daniel sat across us.

"Well I gotta work on my stupid science project 'cause I'm so not staying after school, fuck that," I looked up and saw a blond girl sit down as well. She looked up and stared at me with confused eyes, then turned to Sam still looking confused. "Um what did I miss? Who is she?"

That's when I cut in, "I'm Alexandria, Alex for short, I'm new to this college." I stuck my hand out to shake her hand but she ignored me, rolled her eyes at me and went back to her precious little project. "whatever then, just trying to be nice around here, to the looks of it you must not like me" I rolled my eyes and sat back down.

"Um Samantha-" she was cut off.

"I've told you a shit load of times to call me Sam, get that through your think skull or I'm going to punch you square in the nose." she scowled while tightening her jaw. And I just laughed to myself. I like this girl, she's got guts. Maybe we might end up being best friends.

"Whatever Sam, your just jealous that I got-" and again she was cut off. This time by Gabriel.

"Marisa shut your mouth now or get the hell out of here" he growled at her. She slammed her fist on the table and got up gathering her things.

"Whatever you guys suck anyways, a bunch of fucking retarded emos who have nothing better to do but cut their wrist and talk about your fucking emotions!" She yelled and pushed the door hard almost breaking it. Once the door was about to close I couldn't help but notice that James and his friends had walked in as well. Great, next thing I need Is for him to be in ALL my classes. I ignored him and looked back to where Marisa had exited.

"calm down tiger, you might break a nail" I called after her. Everyone in the table burst out laughing and I just raised my eyebrow wondering why they were laughing. "What's so funny?"

They looked at each other then at me as if I had something in my teeth. "Dude I like you, you're pretty funny," Sam lightly punched my shoulder. "Eat lunch with us?" that was a question not statement.

I was actually happy that they invited me to have lunch with them. Each and every one of them were awesome in their own way. I looked back and smiled, "Damn I don't know, are you guys cool enough?" I said joking around.

"please tell me you're kidding?" Daniel said.

"Me kidding, please boy, I don't kid around," they all looked at me with serious faces and I laughed. "Guys I'm kidding you guys are pretty awesome people and yes I'd love to have lunch with y'all"

We were all talking and making random conversation when Sam out of no where brought up a certain topic that had me damn right focus. "Dude are you guys going to that stupid masquerade ball in the winter? I know it's still along way from now, but are you guys going?"

Both Daniel and Damon sighed, but it was Damon who spoke up, "well I don't know yet, there's no exact point on going, I mean you can't even take a date!" he scooted further back into his chair. I was confused.

"wait, what do you mean you can't take a date? What kind of freakin' dance is that?" I asked.

Gabriel laughed lowly but answered my question, "Well here in Royal Rose University they have this yearly dance in the winter called Winters Wonders Masquerade Ball, I know fruity name right? Anyways, during this ball girls are you were oldschool ball gowns and guys of course have to wear tuxidos. The weird thing about this dance is that no one, absolutely no one can take dates." I inturruped him.

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