Chapter 6: You're lying

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Chapter 6: You're lying

Alex's POV

I picked up my backpack from were it had fallen when James bumped into me a while ago. He wasn't even nice enough to say sorry or at least pick up my freaking backpack.

"Dude, Alex are you ok? That looked like a hard fall to the butt" I turned around to see Sam, Daniel, Gabriel, and Damon around me but it was Sam who spoke.

"yeah... Yeah I'm fine guys don't worry that fucking jerk wasn't even nice enough to help."

"I know right? But it's a good thing your ok right?"

"right" I answered while dusting off my jeans. "Shall we head off to class then?" They nodded their heads.

"well I'll see ya guys during lunch, we have different classes," said Daniel gesturing to Sam and Damon as well. "Give me your number?" I nodded while he pulled out his phone out to me. "You can just write it in."

I took the phone and punched in my cell phone number, "Here you are, my number. The rest of you guys can get it off of this guy If you want it as well, but if you text me tell me who you are that way I don't think I'm being stalked and go off on you." They started laughing before they each gave me each a quick hug and walked away. That left me and Gabriel alone.

"Well I'll walk you to class" he put his arm around my shoulder and we walked. For some reason it felt kinda nice for him to have his shoulder around me. "So what's it like to fly from one county to the other just to study here?"

I had to actually think about it because I came here for a few reasons, I cleared my throat at speak, "Well for starters, I heard this university was the best place to study for art and design, that's what I decided to study. But there are also other reasons, I decided that I wanted to be on my own and show my parents that I was responsible," I let that skin into his mind before I contined. "The last reason I left was because I didn't want to be anywhere near my ex-boyfriend Josh" I stopped speaking because I didn't want to discuss this topic any further.

Gabriel nodded his head telling me he understood but then coughed and spoke, "Um if you don't mind me asking but why did you break up? If it's too personal you don't have to answer my question."

I tuned my head to look at him then looked back at the floor. That was the first time someone asked me about what happened between me and Josh. I decided that I'd tell Gabriel the truth because he looked like the trustful type of guy and honesty. I cleared my throat to speak, "Well it's a long story, but here it goes, I'll start off by saying that we dated for a year and a half. I loved him very much," I paused for a moment because it felt as if a sob threatened to come out when I said that I loved him but at least I was telling the truth, but I shook it off and continued, "Anyways, we would fight a lot for the stupidest things, you know? But in the end we would make up and act as if it never happened, but a week before I left I went to his house to visit him, I walked into his room but found him sucking face with another girl while they both undressed themselves. And my reaction was to just run out while I spilled a waterfall through my eyes. A day before I left he came to my house to apologize and said he wanted me back."

"What did you do?" he said in a low whisper.

"Well honestly I didn't do anything, my brother Richard told him to fuck off but he didn't so my bro punched him square in the face." For some reason I couldn't help bit bring a smile to my face when I said that Josh was punched in the face by my little big brother.

Gabriel laughed as well, I was so distracted that I didn't even notice that we had arrived to our next class. History. "Well here are Alex." He opened the door for me and gestured for me to enter.

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