Chapter 11: You ok?

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Chapter 11: You ok?

Alex's POV

About a week ago or so Gabriel had kissed me and I had surprisingly kissed him back. By now I already knew the truth, Gabriel liked me and the reason he didn't like James was because he thought I liked him, he was obviously jealous when I had told him that I had to kiss James for a stupid part in a Romeo & Juliet scene. At this point, honestly I don't know if I like him or not. Something about him made me want him, for him to be mine, but my other side just didn't like him, I hated how he would snap at me half the time, he was a jerk. I brought my fingertips to my lips and softly ran them across. Something about Gabriel's kiss has made my body stiffen when out lips collided. Did I like him? No, I didn't, he was a friend, brother I could call him, but certainly not someone I'd call boyfriend or mate. I kept rolling around in the sheets, I couldn't manage to close my eyes and drift off to sleep, instead I got up and grabbed my guitar and sat out in the balcony. The air was fresh and I could feel the moisture against my skin.

I grabbed my stool and sat down with the guitar in my hand. I strummed a couple notes and them eventually played a little song called 'Your call' by Secondhand Serenade. This song brought millions of memories like when I was dating Josh. I remember that I played this song on his birthday as a present to show him how I felt. He truly loved it, it was the day when he first told me that he loved me, it was the greatest day of my life. I thought he loved me until a year later he dumped me for some random girl. As I sang I tried not to let the tears that threatened to fall spill. When I had enough of the guitar I went inside and snuggled back into bed tomorrow I had school and I had to preform the play with James. I had to kiss him tomorrow in front of the whole class. Just at the thought of that it made my heart race and it gave my tummy butterflies. Why?

'Because you like him.' my mind said.

'No I don't." I said back.

'Alex, it's freaking obvious that you have feelings for him, why can't you just admit it? and besides if you ask me I can tell because im a part of you. And I think he likes you."

That was true she was my conscience, 'But why can't I feel those feeling? And if your right, how do you know that he likes me? How do you even know all of this?' I asked confuesed.

'Oh trust me, when you'll find out when you least expect it' she giggled and I heard her voice fading away. So it turns out that she knows everything all of a sudden. Yet she doesn't answer the question I was curious about, did James really like me? Or was he still in love with his dead ex?


James' POV

Stalking the streets, it was dark and the air was moist enough to soothe your body. I walked around looking for someone to feed off of. I haven't for a couple of days now and I was starting to feel a little weak. I tried looking for someone who didn't look so innocent, but yet all I saw was innocent people. I looked around for a while but then I heard a low cry that came from an ally, it was a young female voice. I quickly tried to make my way to where the cries were coming from. My eyes landed on a young girl and an old man deep in the corner of the ally. Correct me if I'm wrong, but from my point of view, it looked like he was going to abuse of her. I couldn't allow that, I normally didn't help people in trouble, but right bow I couldn't let this happen to the poor innocent girl.

When she was me her eyes immediately screamed for help, "Help me please!" she cried.

I quickly ran to where she was and punched the guy in the face to get him off of her, "Get off of her!" I growled at the man who was now clutching his left cheek.

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