Chapter 15: The Truth

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Chapter 15: The Truth

James' POV

"Alex! Please wait!" I yelled after her hoping she would stop and turn around, but no she just kept speed walking away. If I wouldn't had attempted to kiss her, she wouldn't be running off right now and all thanks to the love that mine and her soul share I just couldn't resist, I had to kiss her.

How did she even know it was me under the mask? I obviously knew that Alex was the girl in the black dress because Jared told me. He said that If I wanted to protect her for what's to come, then I have to make her like me. And I would make sure of that. I was hot on her heels and saw that she had made it outside.

Fuck this, I'm running.

I quickly picked up my pace and darted out the double doors. I reached outside and looked in every direction to see which way Alex had went. I finally spotted her sitting on a bench next to a fountain that was gushing crystal clear water. I calmly walked up behind her but stopped when she spoke.

"Don't you ever wish to touch every star in the sky?" she said with eyes glued to the midnight sky. Her question caught me totally off guard. What was making her ask random questions?

"All the time." What else was I suppose to say? No? I honestly didn't even know how to answer that question. I simply said whatever came to mind.

"I wish I could fly with the stars right now." Sill making no eye contact with me. What was she talking about?

"I'm sorry, but I'm not understanding you. What do you mean by that?" I asked finally hoping this confusion would end.

"I mean that I wish I wasn't here, I want to be with the stars. It's not fair that they get all the freedom they want, all the atmosphere, and they certainly don't get kissed by random people." She finally turned to look at me. Her eyes were dead serious, no lack of emotion lay in them.

I looked back at her, speechless. I needed to tell her the truth and I needed to tell her now before something else happened, I cleared my throat, "Listen Alex, there's something you should know, but before I tell you anything, you absolutely must promise not to tell anyone or even say a word about it."

"It's ok James, I know you're gay, if you ever need anything, I'm here to help you." She smirked. At least she was paying attention now.

I decided to play along, "Well I was hoping to tell you something other than that." I smiled at here. She went dead serious again.

"I had a feeling that you were gay."

"What? No! I was just playing along." I defended myself.

"Sure you were." she chuckled, "I don't have anything against gay people, so don't worry."

This girl was seriously difficult to talk to, yet I liked it, anyways enough with the random chit-chat, "Alex, I like you." I practically blurted out. Suddenly her eyes widened and went stiff where she was sitting. I began to feel awkward because none of us said a word, we just looked at each other. Why wasn't she talking? Does she actually hate me like she says she does?


Alex's POV

"Sure you are." I chuckled lightly at the fact that I was making fun of James for being gay, not that I was against it, on the contrary, I was for it. I looked at him again, "I don't have anything against gay people, so don't worry."

James stood there looking at me seriously. For some reason I felt bad, I didn't mean to offend him In any way. Suddenly he spoke, "Alex I like you." He said it quickly but slow enough for me to understand what he had just said. He liked me, after all this time, thinking he hated me, he actually liked me. I sat there frozen to my spot on the bench. I was seriously speechless. I mean common, what was I suppose to say?

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