Chapter 10: I think I like her...

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Chapter 10: I think I like her...

Either the world stopped moving or everyone in the room magically lost their voice. They all stopped what they were doing and looked at me, I hated awkward silence. Especially when it was due to something I had said. I started feeling very uncomfortable until Gabriel broke the silence.

"Y-you have to kiss James?" Gabriel said through gritted teeth trying hard to hide the anger that must've been burning inside of him. He looked really pisses when I told him about the whole kissing scene. What was he even mad?

"It's not a real kiss. I don't want to kiss him trust me, but I have no choice, if I don't, then I fail the damn class." I sighed and put my head down.

"I would rather fail the class any day instead of kissing James." I heard Sam cut in.

"Agreed," I looked over to Daniel and looked at him with a confused look. "Not that I'm gay, because I'm not, just saying that I agree with Sam on failing a class instead." I chuckled lightly at him because he spoke so fast trying to hide his mistake of words.

I fiddled with my hands in my lap, I knew what Sam and Daniel were trying to tell me, but I couldn't do that because it wouldn't be fair that I make James fail the class as well. It would be a bitch move, as I would call it. Finally I spoke, "I know what you guys mean," I paused, "But I can't do that."

"Why not?" Gabriel snapped almost as if he was mad with my answer, suddenly he looked at me with dead serious eyes, "You like him, don't you?"

"No!" I yelled at him. Why would he even think or say that? 'Don't deny it Alex, you do like him' I paused for a while, was that my mind speaking to me? Of course it was talking to me, ever since I was a little girl, there was always a voice that knew when I lied. I shook it off and looked back at Gabriel, "I don't like him, I don't even know what's making you ask me such a rhetorical question." I got up and calmly walked out to the balcony hoping to get some fresh air. I kept thinking back to what my mind said. Don't deny it? What was that suppose to mean? I didn't like James at all, so why would my mind say such a thing? Maybe my mind was losing it's own mind. I brushed it off and leaned my elbows on the balcony edge admiring the beautiful view of the lights shining bright everywhere. In Maine you could never see this unless you were in the city on top of a huge building. I heard the glass door open and I stiffen as I knew who it was. Gabriel. Was he here to yell at me some more?

"Can I help you?" I whispered lowly avoiding eye contact, I kept looking forward to where all the lights shining.

"Look Alex, I'm really sorry for what happened back there," He paused and walk right beside me. "I shouldn't have snapped at you like that?"

"You know what? Just forget about it, I don't care." I said coldly still not looking at him.

"No Alex I won't forget about it, I snapped at you for try stupidest reason," I tuned my head a little bit and looked at him, I could tell his eyes had hurt in them, "I hate to admit this... But I got jealous when you said that you had to kiss... Him." He clenched his jaw when he said 'him' as in James. He didn't even look at me when he admitted the truth. At one point I felt really bad for Gabriel because I looked at his as my brother. Ever since I got here, he's always been there for me.

I cleared my throat and looked him in the eyes, "Why jealous?"

He sighed heavily, then turned around in the other direction, "I don't know, at the thought of you showing interest in a guy who treats everyone like shit," He turned and look at me. "I don't like it." At first I thought that James was a straight up jerk, not saying that he's changed, he remains the same, but he can show you his good side every now and then.

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