Chapter 16: A Song For Her

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Chapter 16: A Song For Her

James' POV

I never took the time to actually realize how it would feel to be rejected by your own soul mate. Well tonight I found out what it was like, and let me tell you, it's the worst feeling ever. My heart felt so heavy that at any moment it would burst out of my chest and find it's other half. Sadly the other half didn't want me, she made it clear to me. When I got home I headed for my bedroom and locked myself in there ignoring the world. All I wanted to do was be alone. Pacing back and forth in my room I kept replaying the scene in my head. Why did she deny me? Doesn't she feel something for me? I mean, common, were mates! Some sort of feelings should he lurking in her beating heart. Growing frustrated with myself I laid on my bed, plugged my headphones in and blasted the night away. I didn't even notice myself fall asleep and drift into a deep dream.




I snapped out of my imaginary world to the sound of someone banging on my room door. I took my headphones off and paused my music.

Who the hell bothers me when I'm not feeling ok right now?

I got up from where I was laying and walked to the door to answer it.

"Who is it?" I called out.

"Open the fucking door! Now!" I knew it was Jared right away because only he would lose patience that fast. Wait, I thought he was at the dance. What time is? I quickly looked down at my phone. It was 2:45 a.m. What the fuck does Jared want at this hour? He kept banging the door growing frustrated, "James! Open! Up! Now!"

I opened the door to see a furious Jared standing in front of me, "Fuck, why don't you just break the door down already?" I said in a sarcastic voice. He walked in without permission and bumped me in the shoulder, "A simple 'Hey may I come in?' would've been nice."

He turned around and looked at me, "Shut up before I beat you to a pulp." He waved a red envelope in the air.

"What's that?" I questioned.

"A red envelope, what else?"

"Huh? Oh I just thought it was the thank you card your grandmother promised to send after I pleased her last night. If you know what I mean." I wiggled my eyebrows.

Suddenly, he dropped everything and came charging at me. With all his strength, he tackled me to the floor and started sending blows to my face. Dogging almost every hit, I managed to push him off and forward the hits back. I got a couple good hits on him but then I was restrained by Beau. He pulled me off and held me back while Jared was being held back by Michael.

"When they let me go, you're so dead!" Jared threatened. He tried to pull away from Michael's grip, but he couldn't.

"Clam down!" Beau yelled. "Why the hell are you two morons fighting over this time?"

"Jared started it!" I said in a little three year olds voice.

"No sir! You and your retarded comments did."

"What comment?" Michael said raising his eyebrow. "You know what? Don't tell me, I can already imagine what it was. Anyways, what's going on?"

Beau and Michael finally let us go when they saw that we were both calm.

"Like I was trying to say," he gave me and evil glare, "When I dropped off Alex at her place," It caused my heart to fall again just at the mention of Alex's name. "I found this letter, well she gave it to me hoping I could explain it to her, but I felt without another word right after I read it."

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