Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chase's hand tugged on the bottom of my shirt, then he moved it under my shirt to my stomach. I kissed him even harder than before while he slowly moved his hand over my stomach. He pulled me off the door and took off my shirt, leaving me in my white tank top. He then took off my tank top, and I took off his shirt. I gasped into the kiss as his hand moved around to my back, and I felt his fingers curl around the band on my bra and pull on it.

He moved his lips down to my neck and started kissing and sucking on it. I gripped his hair and moaned when he found my sweet spot. He then kissed and gently bit my collar bone.

While he kissed me, his hand moved down to my jeans, and he undid the button. He pulled away from our kiss and stared at his hand as he slowly pulled down the zipper of my pants. I watched his hand just like he did, but when he started pulling my jeans off, I had to do something.

"Chase," I gasped/moaned. I wanted him so bad, but I had been raised to wait. I was not about to wait forever to have sex, but I did not want to do it before I even had my first date with a guy.

"Yeah, baby?" Chase inquired. I knew he did not want to hear what I was about to say, but I hoped he would understand.

"Chase...we can't..." I told him, looking away from him so I would not see his disappointment.

He dropped his head down and sighed out of frustration and disappointment. "Ok, baby girl. I understand," he replied.

Not wanting him to think I did not want him, I put my hand on his cheek and lifted his face until his eyes met mine. "Babe, you know that I want to do that with you. I want you just as much as you want me," I assured him.

"Yes, baby, I know. And I respect that you want to wait a little while; it's just really hard to do," he said with a small smile.

I leaned up and kissed his red lips that were swollen from all of our kissing. When our lips parted, he pushed away from me and gave me a wink. I looked around the truck, seeing his shirt thrown on the dashboard and mine tossed next to his. I grabbed my shirt, and he grabbed his, and we both put our clothes back on. I snuggled back up next to him, and he started the truck.

He got back on the dirt road and started back towards the speedway. We rode with the radio up for a long time, and we eventually turned back onto the main road. As Chase made the turn into Hampton, a wave of sadness washed over me. Even though the radio was up loud, I felt like there was a silence between me and Chase in that moment, and I had to end it. I turned the volume down and Chase looked at me with concern. "What's wrong?" he inquired.

"I don't want to leave you, Chase," I said silently, looking first into his eyes then at my lap.

He cleared his throat, and I swear I saw his eyes get cloudy. "I don't want you to leave either, baby girl." He tightened his grip on my hand and brought it up to his lips and kissed the top of my hand.

I blushed slightly and smiled at him. This was the Chase I was going to miss the most when I left. The Chase no one else got to see. Not the famous winning Chase, or the heartthrob Chase, or the focused, emotionless racer Chase, but the amazing, sweet, romantic Chase. The version of Chase he hid from almost everyone except a select few. I felt so extremely lucky to be one of those few.

"We'll figure it out," Chase commented confidently.

"Yes, we will," I replied.

As I said this, Chase turned his truck down the road to the speedway. He parked by his RV, and we went inside. I gathered all of my luggage and belongings and put them in the back seat of Chase's truck. Chase was going to drive me back to Auburn, and Emily was riding with Ryan in my truck. They were dropping us off and then driving up to North Carolina back to their shops and the apartment they shared.

I wanted to stay with Chase, but Emily and I had to go to college at Auburn University in Alabama. When everything was loaded up, we met up with Emily and Ryan, then we got in our trucks and left the speedway.

I looked out the window as we drove away, the track and all of the speedway getting smaller and smaller as we got farther away. I quickly brushed away a tear as it fell down my cheek, praying Chase would not see me crying.

The drive to Auburn was not very long, only about two hours with stopping at a gas station to get junk food. Chase got a pack of crackers and a water, he was a healthy eater, but I had to get powdered donuts, a box of sour cream and onion Pringles, and a Mountain Dew. What can I say, I liked to eat junk good on road trips!

Chase and I talked a lot during the ride, talking about everything from life goals, to racing, to music, to morals. We sang loudly to the songs we liked, and talked during the songs we did not. I rolled the windows down and put my Ray-Bans on.

Chase smirked when he saw me put my feet on his dashboard, and he did not seem to mind my boots being on it. I motioned and raised my eyebrows to make sure and he nodded his head, letting me know it was okay. Then, I leaned over and grabbed his favorite dark blue Napa Auto Parts hat off his head and put it on mine. He looked shocked at first, then his look of shock turned into a smile/smirk he did way too well. He took a picture and a video of me on his phone while I was singing "God Made Girls" by Rae Lynn and wearing his hat backwards and my Ray-Bans with my feet on his dashboard and the wind in my hair.

I felt so alive with him in that moment. He made me feel unlike any other guy ever had, and I never wanted the feeling to end. That feeling was replaced with sadness as I found myself standing outside the dorms with Chase in front of me, holding my hands.

I turned my head to see Emily and Ryan standing nearby saying their goodbyes and kissing each other's lips raw. They were so cute together. I turned my attention back to Chase.

"This is the moment I've been dreading," I said sadly.

"Me too, baby," Chase replied.

"I'm going to text you, call you, FaceTime you, Skype you, whatever I have to do to be able to talk to you. I have to have you, Chase," I stated.

"Yeah, we will do all of that, and you can come out to races and stuff. We will make it work," he added.

"Yes, we will."

"It's time for me to leave, baby girl," Chase said his voice low and shaky.

I instantly felt tears sting my eyes as he said these words, but I tried to make them go away. I could not cry in front of Chase. Too late. Tears started streaming down my face when I looked up and saw Chase's eyes looking cloudily into mine. He wiped them away with his thumb and took my face into his hands.

"Please don't cry, darling," he pleaded.

"I can't help it," I sobbed.

"Babe," he began. "I'm only a text or a phone call away. I'll always make time for you and you're going to be one of my top priorities."

"I know, but it's still really hard," I answered.

"Yeah, it is," Chase admitted.

I looked down at the sidewalk, and before I knew it I was in Chase's arms, and he was giving me a huge hug. I let my face sink into his neck, and I breathed in his smell. I moved my face in front of his. "Time to go, Chief," Ryan said as he walked by, headed towards the truck which was parked nearby.

Chase looked deep into my teary eyes and then leaned in to kiss me. Our lips connected, and sparks flew like normal. They moved in sync with each other's. It was a slow and passionate kiss, one meant to last for a while until we could be together again. We pulled away and Chase hugged me again. Tears streamed down my face once again as Chase whispered, "See you later, baby girl."

He walked away and got into his truck with Ryan. They both waved as they drove away, and Emily walked over to me, tears falling down her face too.

Chase's truck left the parking lot and turned down the street, and I was left standing outside my dorm with Emily. I stared after Chase and let the tears fall freely. His truck disappeared and Chase was gone.

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