Chapter Thirty Four

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*Emily's POV* 

"Ryan would you calm down?" I shouted at Ryan in desperation. I had one hand on Ryan's cheek and the other on Dylan's chest, trying to push them away from each other. They were both hurling inuslts and hurtful words at each other and I wished they would just stop. Ryan was trying to defend me, and I loved him so much for that, but I wanted him to quit fighting Dylan. 

"I can't calm down!" Ryan screamed, anger in his eyes. 

"What is going on here?" someone interrupted. Chase and Hunter had just walked up, and they were holding hands. Adorable, as always. I snapped my attention back to Ryan and Dylan when I felt Ryan push against my hand. 

"I'll tell you once I get them calmed down. Would you help me, Chase?" I begged. 

"Yeah!" Chase said, jumping into my place between the two boys. "Guys, calm down. This is not the time or the place to be fighting, right in the middle of the track." 

"You don't know what he said," Ryan said through clenched teeth. 

Dylan rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Well, why don't you calm down and tell me what happened?" Chase asked.

"I can't talk about it; it will only make me more angry," Ryan said.

 "Then let Emily tell us. Just calm the heck down so she can. Can you do that?" Chase looked at both Dylan and Ryan to see their answers. 

"Yeah, man, I'm perfectly calm," Dylan said arrogantly, casting a glare at Ryan. 

Ryan rolled his eyes and turned to walk to the Penske golf cart so he could calm down. "Yeah, that's right. Walk away," Dylan began. "Be a coward." 

Ryan spun around on his heels, his fury showing on his face. He was heading for Dylan, but I jumped in front of him and practically hugged him just to stop him. "DYLAN!" Chase shouted. "I swear to God, if you don't stop." 

"Fine," Dylan mumbled. I turned Ryan around, walked him to the golf cart, made him sit down, gave him a kiss, then went to tell Chase and Hunter the story. 

When I got back to Chase and Hunter, Dylan was at the JRM golf cart, doing something on his phone. So I walked up to the most sickeningly beautiful couple in the world and told them what happened. I took a deep breath and began. "So Ryan and I were riding back to his RV, and Dylan just popped out of nowhere and wanted to talk. He looked pretty miffed about something so we asked what was wrong. He told us that he was mad because you slapped Paisley. He told me that I needed to get a handle on you and that it was pretty sad that you would slap her for no reason," I spilled. 

"What? She told him I slapped her for no reason?" Hunter asked, shocked. 

"Paisley and I are going to have a nice little chat," Chase stated, his annoyance with Paisley clear. 

"Yeah, and Ryan tried to tell him that it was not how he had obviously been told it was and that you didn't just attack her. Dylan didn't want to hear it. So he told Ryan, 'Paisley didn't do anything wrong! Your 'girlfriend's' (he did airquotes and everything) biatch of a best friend has it in for her because she feels threatened by Paisley'." 

Hunter's jaw dropped, and she turned to look at Dylan who was listening with his head hung down. "So I tried to defend you, and Dylan told me to shut up and called me the B word. That's when Ryan snapped. From there it escalated, and they started hurling insults and saying really mean things, and I tried to break them up which obviously didn't happen. Then you guys showed up, and you've seen what's happened since then," I finished the story. 

"So wait," Hunter said. "Why was he defending Paisley?" 

"Apparently she told him the story, but twisted it around," I replied. 

Chase spoke up. "Why did she tell him about it anyway?" 

"That's what I'd like to know," I answered. 

Ryan walked up and put his arms around my waist soon after I said this. He put his chin on my shoulder, and I put my hand on his neck behind my head. Dylan walked up too, and stood beside Chase, his arms crossed. "I'm going to take Ryan back to the RV. I'll be back down here in a few minutes," I told my friends. 

"Okay," Hunter replied. "Chase and I are going to stay and talk to Dylan. See you when you get back."

I drove Ryan back up to the RV and raced him for one race on xbox before I headed back down to Chase and Hunter.

*Hunter's POV*

"You know that I would never just attack Paisley, Dylan. Why would you believe her?" I asked Dylan.

He looked down at the ground then back up at me. "We've been talking for a while. I thought she was into me, so I believed her. I didn't think she would lie to me about it," he admitted.

"So were you guys like...a couple?" I inquired. 

"Not officially. I don't really like her all that much; I was just trying to destract myself from somebody I mean things," he replied. 


"I'm really sorry number one that I believed her and number two that I blew up at Emily, then at Ryan, like that. I don't know what's gotten into me," he stated. 

"Yeah, man, you've been acting strange since Atlanta when Hunter and Emily showed up..." Chase said, his voice trailing off when he said 'Emily showed up'. I instantly knew what he was thinking.

*Emily's POV* 

I stopped the golf cart in front of the garages and walked over to the diner where Dylan, Chase, and Hunter were sitting outside. They were around the other side of the building. I turned the corner, and stopped in my tracks when I heard my name in their conversation. I listened to what they were saying. 

"Dylan," Chase began. "Do you like Emily?" 

"Yeah, of course I like Emily; she's cool," Dylan replied. 

"No, Dylan, I mean 'like' like?" Chase clarified. 

Dylan hesitated. 

"Dylan?" Hunter said next. "Have you been acting weird around Ryan and Emily and blowing up on them because you're jealous?"

"Are you jealous of Ryan, Dylan?" Chase kept digging.

"Yeah, I guess I am," Dylan admitted. 

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