Chapter Eighteen

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My whole focus was on the race, watching the cars go around the track. Chase was in second, being led by Ryan Blaney with 10 laps to go. So far it had been a good race, not too many cautions, except for two minor wrecks and a caution for debris. Chase had not been effected by any of the wrecks. Greg Ives, Chase's crew chief had played his strategy right, and Chase was good on fuel and tires for the rest of the race. Chase just needed to make his move and avoid a caution.

Every lap, Chase had been making ground on Blaney who had passed him with 56 laps to go. His lead was down to about two car lengths over Chase. I was at the edge of the pit box standing between Greg and Cindy, and I was nervous. All I could do was stand there, gripping the rail of the pit box and biting the inside of my mouth.

"Chase Elliott trying to make a move on the inside of Ryan Blaney in the Discount Tire machine," I heard the announcer say. My heart lurched forward when he said these words, and I gripped the rail tighter.

Come on, Chase, I said to him in my head. I had on a headset, so I could hear Chase communicating with his spotter and his crew chief. I telepathically sent him messages telling him I belived in him and I knew he could do it. There were three laps to go. Chase started making his move.

His spotter was constantly talking to him, telling him what Ryan was doing and where he was at. Chase was trying to get a run on him and he attempted to make a pass on the outside. He did not succeed on the high side, so he tried again on the inside.

Chase was right on Ryan's bumper, and he tapped him just a little to let him know he wanted by. Of course Ryan was not going down without a fight. However, Ryan overdrove just a little, and his car got loose going into turn one. Chase took advantage of this and eased his way to Ryan's inside until the race was dead even. One lap left. Chase tried to get every single bit of horsepower he could out of his car.

Chase got the advantage over Blaney going back into turn one, and I started screaming for him. I was screaming, "GO CHASE!!! COME ON BABY YOU CAN DO IT!!" I jumped up and down and clapped my hands.

This was it. Chase was making his way around the last turn, and Ryan Blaney was fighting hard to get past him, but Chase was too fast for him. The checker flag waved, and Chase crossed the finish line.

I turned to Cindy and hugged her. I looked at my dad who was clapping and cheering, and he motioned his hands for me to leave the pit box. I had to get to Victory Lane. The other cars were in pit road by the time I had climbed down out of the pit box, and Chase was beginning his burnout. Smoke filled the air, and the crowd went wild. I stood up on the pit wall as he did donuts and burnouts, and the smelled of burning rubber met my nose. I loved the smell, and I took a deep breath.

Chase pulled up to the pit wall beside me and motioned for me to come over. I ran up to his car, and he let his window net down. "Swing your legs into the car and put your feet on my seat and hold onto the roll cage while you sit on the window," he shouted above the noise.

"Okay!" I screamed back. I did what he said and did it with ease because it wasn't the first time I had done this. I had done it with my dad years before. A track official handed me the checkered flag, and I waved it in the air.

"You holding on?" Chase asked.

"Yes sir!" I reassured. "Next stop: Victory Lane."

Chase drove a Polish victory lap around the track, and I held onto the flag. He held onto my leg to make sure I was safe and drove with one hand. Now that was sexy. After the victory lap, Chase pulled into Pit Lane and turned onto Pit Road. He made a few turns and drove slowly, but he came to a stop as he rolled into Victory Lane.

I got out of his car and moved over out of the way so he could celebrate and people could congratulate him. Greg handed me a bottle of Coke, and I shook it up really well with my thumb over the top. When he got out of the car all of his crew and I spewed the Coke and Gatorade all over him and each other. He was interviewed by several people, the crowd of people in Victory Lane thinned out, and the confetti had settled before pictures were taken.

They took a bunch of pictures wearing different sponsor caps, and I stood back and watched. Then, Chase told the camera man to wait up, and he hopped of the stage and ran up to me. He pulled me onto the stage and put his arm around my waist. I smiled, and the man took several pictures of me and him and the crew, then of just me and Chase.

Chase hugged me after everyone had pretty much left and only his small crew and family was left. The hug lasted for at least two minutes, and I loved every second of it. We hugged each other so tight, and then he pulled back. "Where are you staying tonight?" he inquired.

"With my parents at a hotel. Why?"

"Would you wanna maybe....spend the night with me?" He hesitated on the first part then the actual question tumbled out of his mouth.

"Chase," I said shocked. "I would love to if my parents will let me," I said looking at the ground.

"I pray to God they say yes," he said as he kissed my forehead.

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