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You were going to a party with your best friends, the girls of fifth harmony. Lauren shouted "where's my straightener". Dinah screamed "in my room". There was stomping of feet and then a slam of doors. You got out of the shower and put your hair into a messy bun. You put a towel over your shoulders to keep your shirt dry and another one around your body in a towel wrap.

You went into your room and shouted "anybody wanna pick out my clothes". They called dibs loudly from their designated rooms. Lauren came upstairs and you said "who's on for what". She said "I'm on for your clothes, you got Cam for hair and Mani called dibs on your makeup". She rifled through your closet before coming out with a red dress, a leather jacket a pair of red Converses. She handed the clothes to you and pointed at the bathroom. You went in and put on the dress. You called out "Lo I need help" and she opened the door. She saw your unzipped dress and she did it up. You put on the jacket and tied up your shoes. She spun you around and said "beautiful". You smiled and blushed.

Three hours later you were ready and sitting in a car with Dinah driving. You pulled up to the house and got out of the car. Lauren and Dinah stayed in the car to park it. You went into the house and opened the door. The party was buzzing. The girls went to mingle with their friends. You didn't want to be insanely awkward so you walked up to a group of people in the backyard. They offer you a drink. You said "is it alcoholic". The boy who seemed to be the centre of the conversation said "nope your all good newbie, drink up". The boy kept on refilling your glass. After your fourth or fifth cup, he filled it up once more and you went to find Normani.

You found her inside talking to one of her friends you didn't know. You leaned your head on her shoulder. She felt you falling and she wrapped her arm around your waist. You went to take a sip of your drink and she took it away. You said "but Mani, he said it's not even 'holic". She said sarcastically "sure it's not darling". You sighed and wobbled a bit. She said "come on hun, let's go find Lo". She said goodbye to her friends and started walking towards a group of people you vaguely remember coming over with Lauren one night.

Normani tapped a girl on the shoulder and said into her ear "have you seen Lauren". She nodded and pointed farther into the group. You spotted the brunette and ran over to her. Mani shouted before you got to far "Lo heads up, we've got a runner". Lauren turned around and caught you just in time. You had lost your balance while running and almost fallen. Lauren said to you "did someone get a little tipsy". You shook your head but Mani cut in and said "someone got a little more than tipsy". You were confused and said "who's tipsy". They laughed but you just felt funny. You leaned more onto Lauren and she tightened the grip around you.

Mani said "how do you feel Y/N". You said "I'm fin fin feen fen fine" struggling with your words. Lauren tapped a girl at the bars shoulder and took a marker from her. She took your arm and wrote "hi my name is Y/N Y/L/N. I'm drunk. If I get lost can you please call 519-546-4859 or return to Lauren Jauregui at 567 2st west". You smiled and read the message. It was slightly fuzzy and you were starting to feel the effects of the alcohol. You said "I" and pointed to yourself before continuing "like. Your. Eyeees". Lauren said "thank you. Can you tell me what your name is". You nodded and said "course it's Larn". "Yep your right. Let's go find the rest of the girls". She took your hand and guided you and Normani.

Lauren found Dinah and pointed at her. You ran over to her and launched yourself into a koala hug. Turns out that you were running at the wrong person and you launched yourself onto one of Dinah's guy friends. Luckily he had been to the house before and knew who you were. He caught you and held you up before passing you to Dinah. She helped you get steady on your feet and lean against her. You said in a daze "Mila, why do you like bana so mooch". Dinah said "I don't know babe, I don't know". You snapped out of your haze of confusion, sort of and said "wait, your Dena not Mira". She nodded knowing that you were drunk out of my mind. You took a step away from her and fell. You were milliseconds from hitting the ground when Dinah caught you. She helped you stand back up but when you almost fell for the second time she helped you onto her back for a piggyback ride.

You had finally convinced the girls that you were fine enough for them to find their friends again. You were given direct instructions to stay with Dinah but you didn't know any of her friends and the conversation was either Not including you or incredibly tense. You snuck away from Dinah and found your new friends from earlier again. The leader looked happy to see you. He made you another drink. This time he dropped a pill in making the drink bubble and fizz. You took a sip and the drink tasted more bitter. Under regular circumstances you wouldn't of done anything like this and you would a caught onto the boy drugging your drink, but you were drunk and didn't realize it.

You finished your drink and were on your second when Dinah showed up. The boy was the only thing holding you up by this time. She took your hand and said "I'm sorry my little sister and I need to get going". The boy looked shocked and didn't fight Dinah when she took you away. She didn't let go of your hand for the rest of the night. It seemed that you looked more drunk than before because guys were hitting on you left, right and centre. Every time one of them would make a comment or come over Dinah would say something about you being her little sister.

The party went on until the wee hours of the morning and you stayed until there was only about 20 people left in the house. The ride might of been uneventfully to anyone else but to you it was filled with excitement and adventure. You made sure to point out every single new thing you saw on the ride. The girls humoured you and matched your level of excitement every time you showed them something.

When you got home they all helped get you to bed. You insisted that you stay with someone because you saw a monster in your closet. The girls didn't disagree because well you were hallucinating. Lauren tucked you into her bed before getting in herself. She talked to you until you fell asleep halfway through asking a question that nobody knows the answer to.

When you woke up it was light out. Lauren was next to you reading her book. You took the Advil that was on her nightstand, chasing it down with a gulp of water. You looked at her and said "what happened last night".

Fifth Harmony oneshots and preferencesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ