Slavery AU

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As a child you were a playmate for a young girl. She was same age as you. Once she turned four and started school you were of no use as a playmate. You were sold to an acotionn and then to a young family. You cleaned. Day in and day out. Once you were old enough you cooked and watched their children. Once you were twelve you were sold again. After twelve you of no more use to them. Older more helpful slaves were brought into replace you because the father had come in to a large amount of money. They tried to sell you but failed. Nobody wanted a twelve year old. They weren't legal for being used but they weren't young enough to be innocent to what really happened in slavery. They set you free on a condition that you would come back at 16.

Bethany's P.O.V
BANG CRASH BOOM! My door flung open. Before I could turn around hands were on me. A blindfold was placed over my eyes and I was yanked to my feet. I was screaming and kicking with tears rolling down my face. Who were these people? What did they want with me? I was pulled harshly and a voice said "Matt be gentle". The grip around my wrists was loosened and the next tug was significantly lighter. I tried to fight them but I was tossed over someone's shoulder. A hand was placed on my back and another on the back of my thighs.

I was carried down steps, through the front garden and into a car. I was sat on someone's lap and a seat belt was buckled over me. I continued to struggle until the voice said "stop that boo. You'll hurt yourself". Who is she and why is she worried about me. A different voice said "you can take off the blindfold now". After a moment of rustling I could see again. I was in a dark van with three people. I was sitting on a dark haired man and a tall girl was driving. They were all watching me as if I was an ape in a zoo, just waiting for my next move.

I stopped struggling for long enough so that I could bite the dark haired mans arm. He let go of me on instinct and I scrambled up. A girl with green eyes that glowed even in the dim van grabbed me. She pulled me onto her lap and handed the man next to her some rope. The man tied my arms together tightly in a knot. The green eyed girl was holding my waist and I was stuck. She whispered into my ear "I suggest you behave or else I don't think the next few days will be enjoyable". I thrashed my head just missing her cranium. The girl pulled the van into a big house, in the middle of no where.

I was dragged out of my cell, forced into a pair of revealing underwear and shoved onto a stage. The light shone on me as the platform spun slowly. After I completed a single spin, the bidding began. People were whispering to each other. Some wore dark clothes and low hats, while others wore suits or dresses. The auctioneer was shouting "10000, 15000, 20000". The number kept on climbing and signs stopped being put up. The auctioning stopped for a moment "100000 going once, twice, sold to the five girls in black". The group stood up and was led out by one of the bodyguards that were posted at every exit. A new guard came out to replace him but my mind was stuck on the five girls.

I was grabbed and led off the stage. I was shoved into a room that was one of the nicest kept ones in the building. I was pushed onto a chair but not before a collar was fastened around my neck. The guard shut the door and I stood not knowing what to do. The five girls appeared in the room followed by a banging slam of the door. They looked me up and down as I became more and more self conscious of my lack of clothing. They sat on a couch. One patted their leg and beckoned for me to come to them. I walked over keeping my head down like I was taught to. When I got to her she gently pushed me on to her lap. The boss walked in and they each signed a paper. He left and we followed suit.

Before I was allowed to be checked out the girls needed get my file so we went to another room I had never seen before. They were given a file and my collar was removed. My taste of freedom wasn't long lived when a new collar was tightened around my neck. I couldn't see it but I suspected it had a tag with the fives names on it. A black leash was hooked to a ring and I was lifted up. A blanket was thrown over my exposed body and I snuggled into the girl. They took me to a van in the underground parking lot and I was set on a different girls lap.

The drive wasn't long but I enjoyed my time looking out of the window, seeing the sights my eyes were deprived of for months. I was picked up by green eyes and forced into the house. She set me on a couch and took her hands off of me while the girls stripped their warm outer clothes. They were stunning to say the least. They were all a ranging variant of brunette but that was the only similarity running through the beauties. I stood up only to be pushed down by shorty. Chew toy said "I'm Mani, that's Camila next to her is Lauren, after her is Dinah and the last one is Ally" pointing to each girl as she said their name. I said saucily "so chew toy, bow head, green eyes, 27 and shorty". Shorty said "I'd watch yourself darling or else your not going to be saying anything at all". Creepy much. 27 said to the others of her crew "let's get her to bed huh". They all seemed to agree and I was taken by surprise when I was lifted up by shorty.

I was brought into a plain room that was entirely white. There was only one piece of furniture, a white cot on a twin bed. Shorty set me on the bed and she kissed my forehead. I shoved her away but she didn't move. She said "get some sleep darling, you'll need it". They all filed out shouting the door. I had a second of hope that was shattered when I heard the door release the click. It echoed around the empty room, mocking me. I decided that I wouldn't sleep, not with the gang of kidnapping creeps awake in the house.

When I awoke next Lauren was coming into the the room. She led me away to a bathroom. She turned on the water and stripped me down. She took off her clothes and tested the water. She guided me in and the warm water immersed me. She came in after me and started to rub soap onto my dirty body. After washing my hair she rinsed the soap off and let me out of the shower. She draped a towel over me before she got back into the shower. When she reappeared I was dry and had placed the towel back in its original position in hopes not to mess up again. She smiled at me and pulled on a bathrobe. She lifted me up easily and took me back to the room.

A/N ok not sure what I think of this. Just saying I don't support slavery and this isn't promoting it this idea has just been brewing for a while. It's also a mix of two different stories that I haven't shared so I'm sorry if anything is a repeat. Let me know what you think and if this should be a fic or just a second part or maybe you don't like it at all and you never want me to write something like this again.

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