Fire and math class

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You did well in school, you really did but you had so much pressure on you that when you didn't understand something you tended to overreact. You were sitting in math class. Your teacher gave you some problems on the board. There was 4 shapes, two rectangles, a circle and a cylinder. You had to find the area. You copied the questions onto your paper in your sloppy writing. The first question was in centimetres and you were supposed to find the area in centimetres and meters so you wrote everything in centimetres. When you wrote "C" on your paper you turned to your fried and asked "which way does a C go". She said "to the left".

You did the first three questions with ease and didn't have problems with the fourth. Your teacher checked over your work and said "nope your wrong, you can't just divide by 100". She left and you were left to puzzle over the questions. You switched the first three because you only had to change two or three numbers. When it came to the fourth there was like ten numbers that needed changing. You had already had a hard day and the night before you barley slept. Your patience was spent. You tried to change the first number when the tears started to prick your eyes.

Your teacher decided that the class had enough time. She started to explain the first question. She whizzed through them or at least you thought she had. She said 360000 and you were lost, the fourth question never talked about that number. You put your hand on your forehead and rested your elbow on the desk. You kept you gaze down trying avoid any eye contact.

Even though most of your class was behind you and completely lost your teacher always called on you when you were resting your head. She said "do you know what you do next Y/N". You shrugged your shoulders, hoping that she wouldn't see the tears in your eyes. The teacher said "are you tuning me out". You choked out a "no" hoping that your voice wouldn't crack. She went back to teaching while you were still lost. Your teacher had it out for you because she said "Y/N, can you come write the answer on the board". You shook your head, still clueless on how many zeros to add. She said "write the answer Y/N". You said "no". She wouldn't give up and she repeated herself over again. You shouted this time "NO ALRIGHT I GET IT I'M STUPID. DO YOU REALLY HAVE TO EMBARRASS ME IN FRONT OF THE ENTIRE CLASS". Before she could say anything else you were in the hallway.

You cried in the hall until you realized that you had you math notebook still with you. You dropped the paper into a trash can. In the bottom was a hoodie and a cigarette butt. A gasoline soaked hoodie. The paper falling must of fanned the charred cigarette. It caught the flame and in seconds there was an explosion. You hid your face with your hands and ran. You ran down the street. From afar you could see the school being evacuated. They went through attendance and then you heard sirens coming. Three fire trucks came into view followed by a pair of police cars.

One car stopped to the side of you and the officer guided you into the back of the car. He said "your not in trouble but your school'll be worried if they can't find you, do you go to Y/S/N". You nodded and he drove to the panic stricken building. He left you in the car. He talked to your teacher and she seemed to keep glancing at you. She must of told the officer that you set the fire because he came back to the car. He said "your going to need to come with me". He got into the front after talking into his radio. He drove you down to the station. The ride was awkward and quiet.

He led you into a holding room. He came in after an hour or so and said "you need to call who ever is in charge of you". He led you to a phone and you dialled Camila's number. She picked up and you said "hi Mila". She said peppily "hi Y/N, aren't you supposed to be at school, wait don't you go to that school that had a fire". You said "um ya about that fire. Can you pick me up". She said "sure Ally can take me, we're having our lunch break right now. Where are you". You said "at the police station". She said "you're where". You repeated yourself. She said "we'll be there in a few" before hanging up the phone.

You were escorted back to the holding room. A few minutes later just as Mila promised she came in. She was followed by Ally. Ally took your hand and pulled you up. She marched you out of the police station. She had already dealt with the legal parts. She put you in the backseat of the car and put the child lock on. You said "you really think that I'm going to run away". She said "no but I also didn't think that you would blow up a school" in a harsh tone. Her getting angry at me was a slap in the face. She drove to the house.

You were escorted with more intensity than at the police station. You were brought into the living room when Camila took your hand. She rubbed the back of it. She stopped and brought your hand up into the light. She said "Ally, can you get the first aid kit". You looked at your hand and started to feel the pain. There was a gash across the middle of your left hand and debris stuck in both of them. Camila led you to the bathroom and set you on the counter. She wasn't very tall but she was strong and you were shorter than her.

She took your hand and wiped it off with a damp wash cloth. Ally came in and looked at your hands. She got out gauze and the burning spray. She took the cloth from Camila and cleaned your hands. She sprayed that dang spray on your hands and she wouldn't even let you hold Mila's hand. She wrapped them in gauze which in your opinion was a bit much but you almost blew up a school so you had a feeling that your opinion didn't mean a ton to her at the moment. Ally kissed your forehead and said "go sleep, we'll talk when you wake up". You took the chance and ran upstairs with Mila in tow. You got into Camila's bed and fell asleep with her arms wrapped around your waist.

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