Colours AU part one

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Yellow- a breed that is positive, optimistic and happy. They are often found doing things to improve the lives of others. Much like the past term red head the yellow gene is passed down through generations. Yellows often are mistaken for being flirty (see purple) or fake because of there natural will to give and share. Yellows soulmates are often a dark to even out the personality of yellows. All yellows are a light and are the most extreme on the positive in the race of human.

Date: 5/11/2015

Experiment: Experiment Colours

Scientists: Dr. Nicholas Achterberg, Dr. Hayden Pasternack

Hypothesis: I hypothesize the subjects children will have the implanted gene passed down. I also believe that the gene will have no side effects causing a weaker immune system or death.

1. One "colour" gene will be implanted into the subjects brain.
2. The subjects will wake up and live their daily lives in the testing facility.
3. Subjects will undergo testing weekly for side effects and will be monitored 24/7
4. The adults will be forced to recreate with one another.
5. The children will be tested for the gene.
6. The gene will be spread.
7. Anyone with a gene will be marked if they were not born with it.
8. Spread the gene to the population.

Observations: The red gene causes...

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