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You and your girlfriend Ally were going to your prom. She wore a beautiful dress and you wore a coordinating outfit. She told you that she needed to get id from the car but that you should go in. You went in and met up with a few of your friends. After chatting for a while you realized that it had been nearly a half hour since you saw Ally. She was friends with most of your friends so it wasn't like she didn't know where to find you. You looked around the gym for her but she was no where to be found. You were starting to panic so you decided to get some fresh air outside. When you got one t there you heard muffled cries. You followed the noise and found Ally sitting on the gravel with her back against the brick wall and her head in her hands crying. You sat next to her and she jumped when you laid a gentle hand on her back. She said "just go back in Y/N enjoy your night" her voice cracking on almost every word. You said "I can't enjoy it without you Ally, you're the reason tonight is special". Ally hugged you and said "thanks but, I can't go in, I'm not a student and I'm legal to buy alcohol so I'm aloud in". You said "then we'll throw our own prom and you can buy all the alcohol you want beautiful". So you did you went back to her apartment and invited some of her friends that weren't at prom because they'd already graduated and you threw a prom, all night long and the next morning you woke up next to your girlfriend who made the night special, just the two of you.

Your girlfriend Normani was up posed to meet you at prom. An hour and a half ago. To say you were getting impatient would be an understatement. She promised that she would meet you at seven thirty and it was nine. Suddenly the music stopped and the DJ, who you didn't realize was actually DJ, announced "can we welcome the wonderful Fifth Harmony to the stage. The curtain that had been hung in your school gym dropped and you saw Normani. She sung with the rest of the girls but in your mind it was just you and her. Her sitting in her room on her bed singing and playing her gitair just for you
"Your mysterious ways
Are holding me back
Can't catch a break
When you love me like that

You got your low down hats
And your saggy jeans
Your sunglasses
That make me feel so unclean

Your crazy ways
are driving me mad
But the way kiss
makes me feel everything but sad

I can't catch a hold
Your moves are so bold
The message you spread can never be told

Even though your love is so strong
Something makes me feel
That our love is so wrong

But the deal is simple
And no one will break
I'll love you and you'll love me"

She put her microphone down and ran to you. She smashed her lips into yours and you were alone again.

Your girlfriend was dressed in dress that in no way would of passed your schools dress code but tonight was a special night for the both of you. It was your senior year prom and since Lauren never got to go to one it was her's too. You were dancing with her and every time the song's beat dropped in tone, so did her wandering hand. It had started at the top of your waist and now it was dangerously close to the bottom of your bum. She swayed to the music as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening. You were starting to get red in the face when she leaned in close to your ear and said "I think it's time for a break". Her warm breath was like a hypnotic spell. You nodded in a daze of passion. She let go of you and clasped your hand in hers. She guided you to the bathroom and set you on the counter. She kissed you and you kissed back. Your mouths explored each other's. She pulled you closer and you didn't even think to resist. Suddenly the door swung open. Your school had a strict policy of no locks just knocks but the person just skipped the second part. When you broke apart you saw it was a teacher and your mother just so happened to be a teacher at your school and she just had to be the one to walk in on you. You got off the counter and stepped slightly behind Lauren. Your mom said "the party's not supposed to be in the bathroom girls".

A/N idea's by: CamilaLauren93 and LexiLu1234 I'll finish this later but I wanted to get the first three ideas up. Let me know what you think of the song in Normani's

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