What you get arrested for

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Ally- unlike Ally you were a party girl. When Ally was home she kept you from doing stupid things but when she was on tour you got a little crazy. One night about three weeks into Ally's tour you went to a big one and got high. When the cops showed up you offered the officer some weed and he didn't appreciate it.

Normani- a dare went wrong when you were hanging out with the girls and you got picked up for inappropriate public display.

Lauren- a homophobic police officer who had something against Lauren caught the two of you kissing a couple times in a park when he was with his kid and he arrested both of you for pretty much PDA.

Camila- she was leaving for tour and she forgot her lucky banana socks so you chased after the bus shouting and because you had just moved in a few weeks ago the neighbours called the police. By the time they had gotten there you had jumped onto the back of the bus and they thought you were a high fan. They had to stop the bus and the. They arrested you. When Camila came out to see what all the fuss was about she saw you and explained who you were. The police let you go and you gave Camila her socks.

Dinah- when you met Dinah she completely changed you for the better. On the route you were on you would of been dead by 20. You hing out with the wrong kind of people and did the wrong kind of things. Against everyones wishes she made friends with you and then friends became something more. When she was on an especially long tour you slipped back into your old ways. Your old friends were in a gang and even though you weren't officially apart of it people started to see you that way and fear you again. One day you were hanging out with the crew and one guy got caught in a drug bust and the load of you got picked up.

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