Sunburns ot3

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"Come on, come on come on. All the good spots'll be taken if you hurry up" Camila said exasperated that her girlfriends wern't ready yet. Lauren said "relax Camz, we have plenty of time considering it's only a ten minute walk and it's only eight o'clock". Dinah added in "and you aren't ready yet either babe. We're farther ahead then you". Camila groaned and said "fine, I'll get ready but hurry up". Lauren nodded and threw a bikini at Camila. Camila fumbled it and blushed as she bent down to grab it. Dinah wolf whistled and said loudly, "that ass Choncho". Lauren slapped Dinah's arm playfully and said "man you're worse then the pervy fans on Twitter". Camila stripped off her shorts and slipped on the bikini bottoms.

After Dinah "got stuck" in her bikini top and Lauren "helped her out" the girls were on their way to the beach. They all held hands and got dirty looks for pedestrians because they took up all the sidewalk. They all had a lazy smile on their lips just enjoying life and taking in the warm sunshine on their backs. After the short walk the air got that beach with sweaty old men and year old sandwiches smell.

Camila layed out a blanket and dinah smacked Lauren's arm when she came on it in her flip flops. Lauren took of her shoes and sliped on her sunglasses. The other two girls took their shoes off as well and striped off their extra clothing. Dinah ran to the water and when neither of the other girls came with her she picked Camila up and helped her into the water and by helped she meant threw.

After about a half hour of splashing in the water after Lauren joined them the girls headed back to shore. They had some lunch and water and then proceded to lie down for a while. Dinah being Dinah fell asleep and was out cold. Camila watched the clouds moving across the sky ocasionally pointing one out to Lauren. Eventually she grew bored and flipped on to her stomach to read her latest novel. Lauren soon joined her entering her own book realm. The threesome never noticed the sun growing ever warmer not did they notice the tinge growing on all of them.

That night they walked home just before sunset hoping to miss the crowd. They didn't the walk home took twice as long as usual due to the crowd of families with the same plan as them. When they got home they were all beat and headed straight to bed.

The next morning Lauren woke up first. She went to the bathroom and groaned. Camila shouted "turn down the sun will you". Lauren flicked of the light but her skin gave a glow to the room and a heat. She called Camila into the bathroom and Camila came wondering what was wrong. She flicked on the light and laughed. Lauren's skin was fire engine red. Lauren said "take a look in the mirror clown". Camila examined her skin, she stopped laughing and Lauren started looking for the Aloe-Vera. Dinah came in with a severe case on morning hair and a bad case of sunburn. Dinah leaned in to kiss Lauren and Lauren pushed her back. Lauren handed her a toothbrush and Dinah sighed. Dinah brushed her teeth and when she woke up enough to process life she groaned. She said "did we- how- what- grrr".

Lauren giggled and said "shirts off the both of you". They both took of their shirts no questions asked. And Lauren...

A/N this is honour of the photo above and a request was put in for this when they came out but I got distracted. I have a new story... Again. How would guys feel about a book of lies based off of a post on tumblr and it talks about what if there was a book of all the lies you told no what if there was a book of all the lies that people told you. Feedback.

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