Driving lessons

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"There you go Y/N. I think you've got it" your overly optimistic girlfriend was teaching you to drive and her positivity was starting to get on your nerves. You had been in boarding school until you turned 18 so you never learned to drive and Ally was the one to draw the short stick, actually she volunteered but you were pretty sure that she was regretting that decision. You pressed against the brake and released as the car jerked again. Ally said "ease up on the brake babe". You whined "I'm trying".

"Babe please stop. Seriously. Your going to get us killed" Normani said in between the jerks of you trying to drive. You said "oh shut it. I'm not crashing. You're still alive aren't you". She shook her head and said "I'm not sure and you're not helping the case". You said "I'm not that bad". She raised her eyebrows as if to ask 'do you really think that'. You said "okay fine, I'm pretty bad". Normani patted your head and said "aww honey, you're still better then Camila". You giggled and sad "be nice". Normani said "take a right here". You turned the car, even nicely much to Normani's and your's surprise.

You were driving for the first time and you were terrified. Lauren said "Y/N Y/N, calm down you're fine". You said on the verge of tears "no, no I-I'm not Lo. I'm gonna crash and then you're going to die. I can live without you Lo". Lauren said in a warm tone "it's just like Mario Cart, you've played that a hundred times with Dinah on the bus, I've seen you". You said "but it's not the same". Lauren said "it is, just you only have one life and you don't get to start over and you can't hit people". Lauren continued "and I thought we discussed being dependant on each other after you read Trials and Tribulations, remember we wet on a date taut you got from that book and then you said that we couldn't be each other's happiness". You smiled at the memory and made that sound that everyone makes when they both laugh and cry. Lauren said "so do you think you'e ready to start the car for the first time now".

"Come'n babe. I'm beating you by miles pick up the pace a little" you said to your Sunday country lane driving girlfriend". She hit a cube and threw a banana behind her. Lungi crashed into you and stole some of your coins. Camila pulled up near you and you started leaning foreword making car engine sounds under your breath "vroom-vroom wheee grrrrr". Camila would've laughed lightly at you any other time but not then, she was in racing mindset, a state only Dinah could break her out or a naked you but that was by accident and you thought you were alone. The finish line was a mere 100 metres away. You heard the front door unlock and swing open. 50. Ally walked in. She shook her head. 25. Ally tapped your shoulder. 15. You ignored Ally and increased the racing sounds. 5. Camila flew off of the bridge you had crossed. You thought for a millisecond about helping her the. Decided against it, you could win it all right here, no matter what it took. Whoosh. You flew past the finish line and shot up from your cross legged position. "WIN". ally said "are you done with your game girls, it's time to go driving Y/N"

Even though your girlfriend was barley legal for you to be driving a car with on your own sh was so she was teaching you how. You said frustrated "I can't do it. I'm done". Your girlfriend, Dinah said "come'n babe. How's about for everything you right I'll give you a kiss". You nodded eager for your girlfriends affection. Dinah added after an extra sharp turn "after you stop the car". You sighed "fine" but you were still excited. After you made the deal, it turned out you weren't that bad of a driver, you just needed the right motivation. Your girlfriend said questioning your dramatic improvement "why, Y/N do I feel like I've been played". You said "promise, I'm just as surprised as you are, I guess I just needed the right motivation". You leaned over and pecked Dinah on the lips. During the brief moment you took your eyes off the road, you came very close to a turn. We jerked away and you turned the car. She said "no kisses for that".

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