Not even a blind

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Third person's P.O.V
Normani was off of her six month tour finally. She had a break here and there but never had time to visit you. In fact she had brought all of Fifth Harmony along with her. They had met you briefly but this time Normani had rented an apartment for a whole month. She was settled on after a day, touring had taught her to pack and unpack quickly. The second day in her apartment, she decided to surprise you. You two hadn't seen each other since the tour started and Normani was missing you. She wasn't aware of the drastic change that you had undergone whilst she was away.

She knocked on Y/N's door the four other girls behind her. Y/N didn't open it. Normani had called your parents to confirm your apartment number and they told her that you hid a spare key in your mail slot taped to the top. Normani found the key and unlocked the door. When she walked in she noticed that it was different then your old bedroom. There was a dance room with the light on but no windows were open in the whole apartment, not even a blind. She went into the dance studio while she told the girls to stay in the front room.

You were in there, in the brightly lit room, just as you had been for the past twelve hours. It's not that you didn't have other things to do it was that dancing was the only reason you were still alive and you were willing to work your butt off to make sure that everything was perfect. You had a job choreographing with Sean and it paid well enough. He taught the dance and you made it. You got to stay home and you didn't have to socialize. Normani came into the studio and said "hey Y/N are you alright". You froze for a moment and then ran at her. You hugged her tight and she hugged you back. The other four girls came in but you ignored them, they understood. While Normani was on tour she talked nonstop about you. You mumbled into her shoulder "God, I missed you Mani". She breathlessly said "not nearly as much as I missed you". She introduced you to the girls and you spent the rest of the day catching up.

Over the week Normani visited you everyday. And everyday things got a little bit worse. At the start Normani noticed the little things, the dark circles. The days of not eating because you were too distracted, no attention span and most of all you didn't enjoy things nearly as much. Dance was the only thing that made you feel. Dance and Mani. As she spent more time with you she noticed more things, how she was your only friend, how you pushed her away even though she refused and how you were in general not nearly as happy. She missed the old you, the real you so she called a doctor. An appointment was set up.

The next day she came to your apartment like she did every other day. She woke you up, set out clothes and made breakfast. As much as you hated being dependant on her she insisted that if she dint do it nobody would. Normally before she left you would've argued but now you knew that she was speaking the truth. That day after breakfast she had real clothes set out rather then something to dance in. She had started dancing with you, to improve herself, spend more time with you and test out ideas with more then one person. After you were ready she kissed your forehead and took your hand. You pestered her on where you were going the entire ride but when you pulled up to the office you paled. That was where the last friendship you had was ended other then Man simply because you wouldn't go in but this was Mani.

She took you in rubbing circles on your hands the whole time. When the doctor came out you requested that she stay in the waiting room. Normani held up your wishes and waited in the hall for you. Inside the office you were poked and prodded checking for mental and physical signs of wha was wrong. The doctor didn't even tell you what she was looking for she just told you at the end what she found. Se asked you if she could tell Normai and you figured I was bettered then you. The doctor escorted you out invited Normani in. She said to Normani "your girlfriend has depression". Normani didn't react. She just said "she's just a friend" the she walked out, paid and picked up your meds at the nearest drugstore. You thought she was mad, you thought she was going to leave you it when she got to your apartment she came with you. She got a suitcase packed a bag with your favourite clothes and your stuffed animal you couldn't sleep without unless you were with Mani. She took your hand and said "you're moving in" and you followed her out.

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